page 7 <<y/n>>

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      I woke up needing to use the bathroom. But I also had to puke. I shot up and stuck my head out the window and held my hair up. I began puking. I heard footsteps from behind me, cheong-san. He held my hair up and I threw up some more. I wiped my mouth and backed up into the room. I looked at cheong-san. Who had a worried expression, "what?"
"Why are you puking?" He asked,
"I'm not sure."
"Are you hungry?" I shook my head,
"Thirsty?" I nodded.
I was also feeling a bit nauseous. I fell backwards. I don't drink a lot of water usually, which made this worse. Cheong-san grabbed me before I fully hit the ground. He put me down slowly,
"Guys we need water." Cheong-san began.
I looked around, oh wow I must've slept in.
Everybody was awake. Cheong-san got up, "water, we need water." He looked around,
"The hose." Nam-ra suggested. The hose? That was outside the classroom. It also is further way down the hallway. How would somebody get that without being bitten.
"Okay, I'll go out. Who's coming with." He asked, "I'll go." Su-hyeok chimed in, "same." Dae-su said. Cheong-san looked down at me and hugged me then got up and walked out. The other 2 went with him. I closed my eyes.
Please don't die Cheong-san, please.

I opened my eyes to the sound of a blood curtailing scream.

I shot up and almost fell back down. I went towards the door, "Hey! Hey! Y/n! Stop!" Wu-jin shouted. I didn't listen I grabbed my pocket knife and threw open the door. The was a few zombies on them. I began walking towards them. I was dizzy. I was falling against the walls,
"Hey!" They turned and faced me. I was pushing myself off the walls. I flipped the knife open. I was starting to get more dizzy. I began swinging.

Just swing. Swing hard and fast.

"Y/n!" Cheong-san began yelling.
I was able to get a few when I fell again. One got ontop of me and I quickly stabbed it in the neck. It fell off of me and I got up and wobbled over to them. Apparently I wasn't paying attention because I hit the stairs and fell down onto the floor below.
"Y/n!!" Cheong-san looked down at me. I got up and saw zombies above, "look out!" He looked on the stairs beside him. A lot were on him. I took a deep breathe and ran down the stairs as best as I could into an empty room. I closed the door and closed the curtains then I fell over. Oh shit. Now I'm alone in a room. I crawled over and sat up against a wall, "oh shit." I said.
Who was I talking to? Im not sure because at this point I blacked out.

Cheong-sans point of view::
        I began hitting the zombies and throwing them down the stairs. But the only thing I could think of is y/n. I finished up and looked down the stairs. Tears filled my eyes. Why wouldn't she just fucking stay with the others.
"Cheong-san! They're coming let's go!" Su-hyeok grabbed my arm and we ran back to the room.
We shut the door. I didn't move once he pulled me in, "where y/n?" On-jo asked. I didn't say anything. She covered her mouth and tears filled her eyes, "she didn't die." Su-hyeok stepped in, "she fell down the stairs. Your sisters strong I'm sure she went to another room." He reassured her. I sat down on the floor. I let her get taken.
Because of me she's not here,
In this room.
Instead she's in a different room.
Maybe even dead.
God famnit I should've just jumped and went with her. I put my head on my hands.
I shot up and began punching the wall, "God damnit!" I stopped when i felt my knuckles begin to bleed. I sat down.

Maybe if I went down there she'd know I was near and save me.
When it's dark when they're all asleep, so nobody stops me. I promised those two I'd always be there for them. I'm not letting y/n down.

A   F E W  H O U R S   L A T E R
     Finally they're all asleep. I got up and wrote on a sticky note,
곧 돌아올.

Be back soon. I stuck it on the window and grabbed her bag and left the room. I left the cookies in case they got hungry. I quickly but quietly ran to the stairwell. I went down and checked the hallway. Only a few zombies but they were occupied. I walked a few ways down. I couldn't see her in the rooms. That's when I saw the only room with closed curtains. There was no way she wasn't in there. I began hitting the door, quietly but enough to let her be aware,
"Y/n?" I whispered, then I heard a faint noise,
I knew it,
"Open the door." The door slowly opened. I came into the room and closed the door, blocking it for her. I looked down at her. She was tired. I knealed down to her,
"You fucking idiot, stop getting into danger." She smiled. I grabbed her bag and opened it. I grabbed some food and gave some to her,
"Eat." She opened her mouth and I gave her the snack. I looked out the curtain,
"I'll be back, stay here. Seriously, please." I got up and quietly opened the door. I walked out and grabbed the hose. It was open so it was pretty easy. I grabbed the hose and turned it on just a bit. So a little water came out. I came back into the room and shut the door.
"Open." I put the hose over her mouth. I could tell she was felling a bit better. It was still dark out so I helped her up. She continued to drink the water. Once she finished she put it back down on the floor, "are you tired?" I asked her, "mhm." I could tell. It's like she couldn't keep her eyes open. Was she waiting for somebody? Did something happen? We walked over to the closet door in the room. I opened it and we went inside. It wasn't anything special, just a room with paper. We sat down and I took my sweater from her stomach. Her stomach was done bleeding. I layed it out on her as a make-shift blanket. I sat down next to her, "we can sleep here. I locked the door so well be safe." She nodded.
"Thank you, cheong-san." I looked down at her, "I wasn't going to let you die." She layed her head on my arm and we fell asleep.

T H E   N E X T   M O R N I N G
      I woke up, y/n did too. We stood up. I was glad to see her have some what color still, " we need to get back to the others." I told her, "do they know where you are?" She asked, "no. I didn't want anybody preventing me from finding you."  She nodded. I unlocked the door and we left the closet. The hose was still on. So there was a big puddle. I looked out the curtain. This hallway was usually empty, and it still is. I turned to look at y/n she was quiet. She sat down on the ground looking around. I grabbed the hose and drank some water as well. I then opened the door and threw it out of the room. Zombies began running into the room.
"I lost my phone." She said,
"You had your phone?" I asked.
She nodded. I feel like we should call the cops again. Just incase.
"I need to get some type of phone, but first we need to get back to the others." She nodded. She got up and looked out the window.
Then they began banging on the doors, "what the fuck..." We both looked out the curtains, they weren't banging on the glass to our room. But to the room over.

Is somebody alive?

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