page 9 <<halfbie>>

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    I had fallen asleep next to y/n but when i woke up she was sitting up staring at me.
Everybody was at the other side of the room,
"Cheong-san?" I got up,
"What, why haven't you turned it's been hours!"
I looked down at her,
"I don't know, but I feel perfectly fine."

"Cheong-san, get away from her."
I shook my head. Is it possible she didn't fully turn?

"Y/n, give me your hand."
I'd suspect that it would be cold, but it was normal.
"I thought you died."
I sat down and hugged her,
"Cheong-san, come here."

"Guys, she's fine. She would've turned." I said. Still hugging her,

"Y/n, why didn't you listen to me?"
I asked,

"I did but some, girl. Came in saying she was hungry then bit me. It seemed like she didn't fully turn."

I looked at them, "guys! Maybe she didn't fully turn then!" I began.

"Cheong-san, she was bit. She's going to bite you!" Dae-su yelled,

"No she wont." I looked back at y/n and took off the thing that had her tied to the wall.
I helped her up holding her hand.
Her hand was warm.
I began walking towards the others but they all backed up. Why?
Y/n isn't a zombie,
"Guys, she's fine." I grabbed something from the table and tied our hands together.
"If she turns, she'll bite me. Not you. Now relax." They nodded. Y/n and i walked over to the window and I pulled 2 seats for us to look out.

"Cheong-san, you don't have to do this." She turned to me,
"Yeah i do, I promised your father I'd keep you girls safe. Remember? When I was 6 I promised him-"

"Yeah, but we're not 6. You don't need to risk your life to save mine. I want us all alive, including you."

I looked at her, "okay."
We were still holding hands. I sighed,

"Why do you care so much about me?" She asked,

"I care about you and on-jo." I responded,

"Well, you used to mainly care about her but... when this all happened. Your attention like, turned to me." She faced the window.

"Well... never mind, I'll tell you later." She nodded.

We were silent.
To be honest. I don't know why my attention changed to her. I know I usually focused on on-jo. But it wasn't like me and y/n were never close, we were close. I guess not as close as how me and on-jo used to be.

I liked on-jo, I liked her a lot. But she would always show no sign of liking me. I guess it was just a lost cause.

I think my attention turned to y/n because she always thanked me for helping and caring.

On-jo always had an issue with me caring about her. She was always mad at me, she likes Su-hyeok. When I'd look at her, she'd look at him. She had a look on her face that just showed how much she liked him. She loved him. Su-hyeok is better then me, no doubt. But i guess after chasing after on-jo for so long it wore off on me. I think I finally realized we were a boat that wouldn't sail.

But when I began talking to y/n more often. She cared just as much as I did, she was protective. Like how i am on her. She never got mad at me for small things, she care a lot more then what on-jo showed. Maybe on-jo does care, but she doesn't show it like how i want it to be showed.
Like how y/n shows it.
She always had the best way to show it. With y/n I know she cares, I don't have to ever second guess that she does. Like how I did with on-jo.

Y/n is just perfect in my eyes. She's pretty, smart, and caring. I guess those are just some of the things I look for in somebody. I know numerous people who have they're eyes on y/n. She might not know it, but a lot of people like her. I hear about it almost everyday. It's because she's nice, she may have an attitude but it's from something you did. It's not like she holds a grudge. She's forgiving.
And it's impossible to be mad at her.
She cares.
And she shows it.
I like that about her.

I like how her eyes shine, how her voice sounds, how she phrases things, how comforting she is. And everything. She's just perfect to me.

That may be cringe to some people, but I'm being honest. On-jo is very pretty and nice but I guess her sister caught my eye more then on-jo did.
She sorta always stood out to me, we just weren't as close as we are now.
I knew basic things about her like,
Her birthday,
Her favorite color,
Her favorite food,
Things like that.

I looked at y/n she seemed tired, but she was just fine. She wasn't a zombie, she was just y/n. She was okay. Thankfully, if I lost her I would feel terrible. I smiled at her without her seeing it. I turned back to the window. I want to tell her something, but I'm scared for the answer.

What if she doesn't...
What if she does...
Would it ruin things?
Would it make things different.
I took a deep breathe then turned to her,

"Y/n?" She looked at me and smiled, "yes?"
Her eyes were sparkling,
"I have a question to ask you."
She nodded,
I looked back out the window. I took one last deep breathe,
"Y/n... I like you."
She looked back at the window, "why?"
My heart dropped, "well. Your smart, caring and your also very pretty."
She smiled,
"I like you too cheong-san. I've liked you for awhile."
My heart continued pumping again.

I smiled. And she looked at me and I looked at her. My heart heart racing because she pulled my closer.
Then we kissed.

You and I /!/ cheong-san and y/n /!/Where stories live. Discover now