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Dialogue: Olivia's Backstory, throwing a house party and meeting Laroi

I am 18 years old and I was born in Los Angeles, which is my hometown, I grow up in a very sad position. My mom is going through cancer and my dad has been sick so I was in my room alone for an hour going through my pain and my sorrow so I always ride my bike and go out when I get upset, I throw a house party which is at night and all of the people have been invited, people have been looking at me, my eyes are turning ways until it eyes on the biggest bully at my school, he was skinny, he was talking right at my face, I begin to cry then hold a knife and screamed at him in front of everyone, I dropped my knife and it cut my arm in a big bloody scar, I wash the blood off my face and left, I ran to my bike to go home but someone was behind me, a boy same age as me.

Boy (Laroi): Are u ok?

Me: Yeah, I'm sorry about what happened out there?

Boy (Laroi): Its ok, it's just so insane.

Our eyes met then we introduced ourselves.

Laroi: I'm Laroi

Me: I'm Olivia.

As I was leaving, he told me if he want to come with me, I said yes, he jumped on the bike, and we leave the party.

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