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Dialogue: Gracie was dressed as Dave Grohl for Halloween

It's Halloween and I want to have a costume that I want people to see me so I got in a brown hair and a beard and dress up normally.

Laroi: Where's Gracie?

Iris: Idk.

I open the door, my friends were looking at me, laughing.

Olivia: OMG, what are you wearing?

Me: I'm Dave Grohl, the singer from Foo Fighters.

Blake: Hey Dave, the whole point of Halloween is being invisible.

Tate: Is it too much?

Laroi: No.

Olivia: of course not.

Iris: Wow.

Now I know if you feel like you want to ask who I am, please don't ask, it's worst than the feeling. Laroi and I looked at Tate walking with Kbeazy and we looked puzzled, we look at each other sternly.

Me: Is Tate ok?

Laroi: Idk, is she drunk?

Me: No. This is weird.

Laroi: What?

Me: I mean like a young adult, I don't see young adult things.

Laroi: Yeah, when I was a teenager, I won't be able to do things my way.

Me: Is that your little brother?

Laroi: You have got to be kidding. He's just hanging with newbie friends that he can't fit in with. Well in rehab, there are some drug dealers, they were talking about suicide and hardcore people.

Me: Yeah, that was scary.

Laroi: you know what happens to you when you are in rehab?  I will get high with my lil brother. I will call Omer, I will call TJ, I will call Neek, I'll have these friends, you hear me?

Me: Or even Weezer.

Laroi: A hundred people, bro. these are the people who have their chests on you and work a pair with you.

Me: Laroi, I don't think he understands.

Laroi: He does.

I realize what Laroi is saying but him as a drug addict scares me, he's my friend, I remember what he said about rehab, his body and mind was being clear and he wants to be clear and I feel him, he just falls in love with an angel (Olivia) and I'm happy for him. Point blank period. ❤

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