chapter 1

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As I woke up I checked my phone 8:10  am "fuck" I said as I realized I was late on my first day of my new school. I threw on this outfit with these shoes

 I threw on this outfit with these shoes

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I brushed my hair and yelled by to my mom as I ran out the door

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I brushed my hair and yelled by to my mom as I ran out the door.
                          At school
I went in to the school just to run into a kid. "Omg I'm so sorry" I said "mhm watch where you're going next time" the boy said without looking up from his phone "asshole" I muttered under my breath which caused him to look up "oh shit my bad I didn't realize you were new" the boy said. He's kinda cute tbh I thought. "My name's Jaden. What's yours?" "Y/n" you said coldly. "My bad pimp" he said laughing "anyways what class do you have rn?" "Math hbu" I told the boy named Jaden "sick me to. I'll walk with you" the handsome boy said "where'd you move here from?" Uhm we just met why is he asking? I thought. Maybe he's just trying to be nice "L.a" I told him as we walked to first period "really?! That's awesome. Why'd you move to Atlanta?" "My mom got a better job here." As we walked into first period I felt all eyes on me "she's hot" I heard a boy whisper "How does she know the Walton twins?" I heard another girl ask. Who are the Walton twins I thought. I then heard Jaden whisper " my last names Walton and I have a twin brother javon." That makes way more sense now that ik his last name
(Jaden's pov)
I was walking to first period as someone ran into me "omg I'm so sorry" I heard an unfamiliar voice say "mhm watch where you're going next time" I replied without looking at her "asshole" I heard her mutter. My head shot up a girl a new girl was standing in front of me woah I thought she's so pretty. I looked at her shoes as I put my head back down to look at my phone woah she has good shoe game that's attractive asf I thought to myself. Breaking the silence I said "shit my bad I didn't realize you were new" she's so pretty I wanna be friends with her "My name's Jaden what's yours" "y/n" she said coldly. I kinda deserved it "my bad pimp" I said while laughing "anyways what class do you have rn?" "Math hbu" she replied "sick me too. I'll walk with you" I said "where'd you move her from" after a slight silence she said "l.a" I thought to myself why would she move to Atlanta if she lived in la " really?! That's awesome. Why'd you move to Atlanta?" I asked bc la is nicer than Atlanta "my mom found a better job here" she replied ending the conversation as we walked into math together everyone stared at her and I heard people say she's hot and I even heard one girl ask how she knew the Walton twins when y/n heard that a confused look formed on her face "my last names Walton and I have a twin brother javon" her face lightened up and we went to sit down and my day had started really well

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