Chapter 7

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After my mom picked up Jaden and I we went to Starbucks and I just got a vanilla frappe and Jaden got a strawberry acai. He then asked if I could stay the night to meet his family and everything so I asked my mom and she said yeah we went home and I got everything I needed and she dropped us off at jadens house. We walked in and everyone was on the couch Jayla was the first one to come up to me and she said "omggg y/n Jaden has told us so much about you" I looked at Jaden and he was bright red "nice to see you y/n" javon said walking up to his room "yeah you too" I replied. Ahhh I thought it's so awkward what if they ain't gonna like me as all these thoughts ran through my brain I didn't notice that his parents were talking "y/n hi! It's so nice to finally meet you!!" His parents said nicely "yess you too" I replied. As me and Jaden were walking to his room daelo said "hi y/n!!!" As he ran to give me a hug as we've talked on FaceTime "daeloooo!! My favorite Walton!" I said jokingly "okay you guys stop stealing my gf from me" Jaden said as he pulled me up the stairs to his room. His room was so cool wtf. After I put my stuff down I sat on his bed and he came and sat next to me and said "I'm sorry about my family there always like that" he said thinking I was worried "no it's not that they seem amazing" I replied while fidgeting with my hands "so what is it?" He asked genuinely caring "it's just a lot to take in. You know?" Yeah a lot to take in all I could think about was what my dad was doing back it scared me thinking about what else he could do. After a while of cuddling in his bed and watching All American he got up and went and changed in the bathroom I changed into my pajamas to and I just wore this

 After a while of cuddling in his bed and watching All American he got up and went and changed in the bathroom I changed into my pajamas to and I just wore this

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As I pulled the hoodie over my head Jaden walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my waist and kissed me and I got hella butterflies

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As I pulled the hoodie over my head Jaden walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my waist and kissed me and I got hella butterflies. Gosh this boy is gonna be the death of me.

Jaden's pov
As I was walking out of the bathroom I saw y/n in her volleyball shorts and a Tupac hoodie which I thought was fine asf bc not very many girls that ik listen to Tupac I went up to her and kissed her and I could feel her face get hot and she smiled. Gosh this girl is gonna be the death of me.

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