Chapter 5

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"It's lunacy, complete fucking lunacy," Sirius snapped, throwing shirts out of his closet. "Going through with this ridiculous party? Why?! She won't even let me confront the bastard."

"Sirius," Remus sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"Accept it Sirius. She's marrying him Sirius. Don't you want her to be happy Sirius?" the animagus snapped as he tried a different shirt. "Well look where that got us, Mooney. Our daughter is going through with a fucking charade of an engagement party. She knows damn well that Narcissa and Lilly would never ask her to go through with this. Narcissa would sweep this all under the rug with discretion and would probably turn it into a Hermione isn't marrying the bloody Weasley celebration."

"I can admit that maybe you were right about the boy."

"Maybe? MAYBE?!"

"But I don't think you going to Azkaban for murdering a boy is going to help matters."

"Ron is cheating on me... I'm not going to marry him."

The silence was thick with tension as the three of them sat there. Sirius' grip on his daughter's hand tightened and Remus didn't dare move. The silent tears streaming down Hermione's face didn't stop as she waited for her fathers' reactions.

"I knew it..." Sirius started and Hermione closed her eyes.


"No, I fucking knew it. I knew he was going to do something to hurt her," Sirius said standing up and pacing the room. Remus stood as well, walking over to calm his lover. "How could he do that? She's perfect Remus! How could he do that to her?"

"Pads, calm down," Remus said trying to soothe him while also keeping his own temper in check. Sirius wasn't wrong and the wolf inside him wanted to tear the boy apart for hurting his cub.

"I'm going to kill him."

"No, no you're not," Remus shook his head, fighting back Mooney who was trying to claw his way to the surface.

"Yes I fucking am," Sirius snarled, the blood in his veins boiling. Everyone knew that it was a flip of a galleon when a baby was born in the Black Family as to whether they would be mad or sane. In was a line that was towed throughout their entire lives. The Black family history was darkness and madness, and even Sirius Black couldn't escape it. His anger and his temper had always gotten the better of him. Nothing in the world compared to the anger burning through his veins that he felt towards the person who had hurt his daughter.

"Dad..." Hermione said softly and Sirius's head whipped towards her. One look into her eyes and his demeanor softened.

"Come here kitten," he said gently and she bounded into his arms. He held her tight, kissing the top of her head and inhaling her scent. Remus held them both close, whispering soothing words into her ear.

"She needs us right now," Remus said straightening the collar of Sirius' shirt. "So if that means we have to put on a happy face just to get through this party, then that is what we are going to do."

"How are you so calm?"

"I'm not calm," Remus snapped and his eyes flashed gold. "I want to tear him to pieces but that isn't going to help her."

"You're right," Sirius sighed. "I know you're right. I just..."

"I know."

"Draco and Harry know, don't they. That's what they were fighting about the other night," Sirius said grabbing his jacket. It would make sense that they knew. Hermione had said she was at Harry and Pansy's Monday night. That means she would have gone there after leaving Ron's flat. Harry would have told Draco. They told each other everything, especially when it came to Hermione.

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