Chapter 5

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Blake had sex with Maxine of all people while his girlfriend was in Juvie. I always thought of Blake as the best boyfriend out of Jake, Will, and Simon but damn was I wrong. "How'd you do it Maxie? How did you do it? Talk dirty to him? Show up in just a lace pair of underwear and push up bra? I mean, he'd never had slept with you if you wore your cashmere sweater sets and jeans," Isabelle said, looking at the smaller brunette with dark blue eyes.

She was out for blood. "Leave her alone. It's not the first time one of us has been unfaithful," I butt in but Isabelle's look was turned to me.

"You might be use to being unfaithful but those two have never been unfaithful to one an another because the actually loved each other. You and Jake? You two have been a sorry excuse of a relationship, using each other to make everyone else jealous and's impossible to make people jealous with you and Jake. You two argue like there's no tomorrow and you're constantly on the outs. Me and Will? We're a complete joke to anyone who doesn't know us," Isabelle said to me calmly, she wasn't screeching like Skylar would have been but her voice was just as threatening.

"You're clearly no better then Skylar, Izzy. You have to tear everyone down around you just to make her feel better," I said to her, I couldn't find anything else insulting. I've been all out of insults today. "But you're right about one thing. Blake would have never cheated on Skylar if Maxine was just in a cashmere sweater set and in a pair of skinny jeans."


I listened to the breathing that belonged to me and Blake, how it echoed off the walls of my car. I finally got up the courage and looked towards the guy I had wasted the last 2 years of my life on, trying to get farther then the end of High School. Maybe even I'll go to Harvard and he'll go to Brown. Or I'll go to Brown and he'll to go Yale. Or a community college around the area.

"I'm done," I whispered and the sound of my own voice, so hoarse and fraglie was frightening to me. I sat there for a moment until I realized what I had said. "If I can trust you whenver I go off for a month or a week can I trust you when you're out at night with the guys?" I asked, my eyes were burning and I had to get all this out. "I love you, you understand that right? I love you so much that it causes me physical pain. I need process this and get over the fact that your sister, kissed you."

"I'll give you the time," Blake said and I gave him a weak smile. The tears leaving stains as they ran down my face. "I'll give you time because I love you're worth it. You're worth the wait."

I closed my eyes and leaned back into the seat of the car. "Just...let's meet our parents at the mall," I said and Blake turned the car on. He gave a look towards his truck and nodded his head towards Will who was sat in the truck probably listening to some sort of music that Blake had. I leaned my head against the cold window and with my left hand, reached for Blake's hand.


What the hell is Blake's problem? He had a perfectly good girl, and he had to go screw it up by making out with Maxine, a girl that was just explained to be his little sister. That's what makes it even more screwed up. If Skylar's family hadn't taken me in the year that my family were in the midst of a divorce I probably never would have talked to her again.

To the public eye Skylar is nothing but a troublemaker but if you actually knew her, she was probably the most fraglie person you would ever get the pleasure to know. She can fight back but after that she'll go back to her house and write in a journal while her parents are in couples therapy across town.

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