Personal Space - Part 2

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Yujin POV.

I'm on my way to Cheongsan's restaurant with Isak and Onjo. The school is over and we went there. We haven't changed our uniforms.

"Let's race, whoever goes last should buy ice cream after we went to Cheongsan's chicken restaurant," I said to the girls. I was feeling to have some fun on our way there. I step ahead and was about to sprint, but Onjo pulled my bag.

"Yah, let's just walk we're just finished school like five minutes ago." I can clearly tell that she's annoyed.

"Okay, sorry though. I thought it would be fun." I as I giggle. I love tricking Onjo and Isak. That's basically how our friendship worked.

"Why do you even ask us to go in a race. We can go to the ice cream shop later. I thought you had low energy today." Isak said.

"I think she has a love quarrel with you know who." Onjo chuckles.

"Wait really? Was it the boy who sat in front of her during lunch?" Isak said sarcastically teasing me.

I knew damn well that they meant to tease me.

"What makes you assume me and Joonyeong fought? We're just fine. Also keep in mind that we're just friends." I tried to sound as convincing as possible.

"Then why are you so silent during lunch. Usually, you two are laughing when you see each other's face. I thought you guys has some inside jokes."

"You're bad at lying Yujin. Try again." Isak said.

"No I'm being serious there's nothing wrong. I was just so hungry earlier. I went straight to bed yesterday so I haven't eaten since last night. You know I can't be hungry right?" It's, and I'm not lying about this. But sure, me and Joonyeong just created a new distance today.

"You could've had breakfast this morning. Don't be used to skipping your breakfast Yujin-ah." Onjo utters.

"Her stomach can accept food in the morning Onjo." Said Isak knowing she had the same problem as me.

"Try to wakeup earlier, you're going to enjoy your breakfast when you aren't in rush. I know that you always go to school last minute." Onjo being the caring friend she always be.

"That's not how it works Onjo, but thank you for your concern." I gave a smile to her."


The three of us arrived in Cheongsan's Chicken. The boys are already there.

"Yo Yujin you came." Cheongsan exclaims.

"Of course i came, why would i missed the opportunity to get a free food duh." I said jokingly.

"You seem like you won't come earlier."

"Uh yeah, about that.."

"The girls here, come in try my new recipe. Tell me how do you guys like it." Cheongsan's Mom greeted us.

As i sit down, i was scanning through the whole room. I was looking for someone. But Thank God. He wasn't here, at least for now.

I don't know how to handle the situation after what happened yesterday. I haven't used to it so with him not being here surely helps.

Cheongsan's mom bring the newly cooked chicken to our table.

"This is the spicy one. I provide a lot because I know Onjo eats a lot."

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