Eustass Kidd

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A= Aftercare

    What is this aftercare that you speak of? Yeah, Kid is...not the best when it comes to aftercare. He's just not conscientious enough of your needs to be good at it. To be fair, it's not like he gets up, sees to his own needs, and just completely ignores you in the process. He conks out pretty quickly afterwards, and he just doesn't really care to move while he's dozing off. If you really need him to do something for you, then you'll have a brief window where you can nag at him enough that he'll do what you need him to, but you have to be quick about it so he doesn't fall asleep first. He's not a complete ass, he's just sleepy and doesn't think of these things.

B= Body Part

    His favourite body part on himself is surprisingly not his prosthetic arm. Yes, he thinks that it looks awesome, and yes, he's proud of all the work he put into it, but it's still a reminder that he lost his arm to someone. So instead of that, his favourite part on himself is his torso, just because he's perfectly aware of how ripped he is.

    On his partner, he's actually a big fan of your hands because of how small they are compared to his. He likes seeing how tiny they are when you hold them against his body, and it's actually kind of endearing when he fiddles with your hands to amuse himself. Also a big fan of seeing you try to wrap your hand around his dick.

C= Cum

    Lord help you, because his cum is so damn thick. He loves to pull out and cum on you, too, so the clean-up afterwards is quite a hassle. He won't make you swallow it, though; he'd much rather cum on your face when you give him oral.

D= Dirty Secret

    So, after he lost his arm and made his metal prosthetic, he was so proud and keen on said prosthetic that he tried to use it to jack off. It obviously didn't end well. He didn't permanently maim himself, but it was unpleasant enough that he learned his lesson the first time and never tried it again (and that's saying something, because he's so hard-headed that he usually has to mess up at something twice before he gives up on it).

E= Experience

    He's had quite a bit of experience, but he never really paid too much attention to what he was doing until he had a regular sex partner. He was much more focused on his own pleasure during his one-night stands, but once you came along he finally started putting some effort into figuring out what pleased others in the bedroom.

F= Favourite Position

    He generally prefers positions where he's on top and more dominant. When he takes you from behind, he likes the Downward Dog position, especially since you're also sprawled out so helplessly in front of him. He's also a fan of the Bow position because of how pinned and at his mercy you are in it, and he likes the Anvil position for similar reasons, and because it lets him penetrate you pretty deeply. On the rare occasion that he wants to be a little intimate, he'll want a lot of body contact with you, so his go-to for that is the Lazy Dog position.

G= Goofy

    Definitely not humorous during sex, and he'll get a little irritated if you end up laughing during sex. His goal is to fuck you so good that you can hardly think, much less laugh, so if you laugh, he'll think that he isn't doing a good job.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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