Chapter 12

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Elizabeth's POV:
I wake up to arguing says I'm in tears by now I get up quitely
"What do we do to her leave her,I thought we we're just going to keep her!"
She screams
"No don't you remember the plan!"
My dad says angrily I change my clothes and put on running shoes quickly grab my suitcase thank goodness I didn't take my clothes out my suitcase,And I put my other important belongings inside the suitcase open the window quickly and quietly and I slip out of the house running away. The suitcase swinging violently since I'm running and I run till I can't run anymore I open the suitcase and take out my phone and I go on the gps and I look for the jail Logan is in and I find it. It's far it would take two days for me to get there for Logan. I decide to wait till he calls for me which will be a while from now or not that long at least I hope so. As I continue to walk in the warm city I finally get a call I get the phone and I see a strange number I've never seen before I already know the number that Logan called from at jail but it's not that number. Should I risk it? Then I finally answer and I hear my father's voice
"Where are you?!"
He screams I hang up and I run. The only thing I hear is my feet pounding on the hard concrete but I just run. I make it a long time then I finally stop for a breath and I check
the gps. I still have a while to go I sigh as I walk. This is my life. I sit down to take a break after hours of long non stop walking and I'm dehydrated and starving. How could have I fallen for that? I think to myself tears running down my face as I wipe them away slowly and someone bends down I front of me. It's-wait how is that possible
"I've been looking for you"
Logan says I wrap my arms around him hugging him and sobbing at the same time. He hugs me tighter
"My aunt came to bail me out"
He says after I fully stopped crying
"your phone has a tracker by the way"
He says I laugh and I kiss his cheek.
"My parents they weren't gonna keep me"
I say sniffing I say looking at Logan he lets go of me and he grabs my hand and he takes my suitcase in his other hand and I rest my head on his shoulder.
"I don't have a family"
I say as I close my eyes,is this how it's going to be? I think to myself is this my new life? No more restlessness on the streets,starving,dehydrated,or homeless anymore? If this is my life I would be happy to be with Logan. I now learned to not to trust anyone
"I will be your family now"
He says as we walk to his aunt's car and I sit in the backseat and I see his aunt turn to look at me.
"Oh Logan she's beautiful!"
I hear her say and I smile and Logan laughs
I say shyly to his aunt and she smiles
"You can call me Maribel"
I smiles
"Hi Maribel"
I say
"Maribel did Logan actually kill his parents?"
I ask and I look at her curiously and Logan turns around in his seat to look at me
"Well when I woke up they apparently drugged me and I kind of did but we hate ,y parents and they deserved it"
He says calmly and I nod and he turns back around and his aunt starts driving as I drift off to sleep.
Logan's POV:
I glance at Elizabeth as she sleeps. She is sweaty and she has bags under her eyes. I didn't know that she would go through that just to find me and bail me out of jail.
"You two would be a great couple"
Maribel says I shake my head
"I don't think she would go out with me"
I say turning to look at her she glances at me quick then focuses back on the road
"I see that look that you two give each other, and I saw her kiss your cheek and I can tell she likes you and you like her"
I stay silent
"I'm just new at having a good relationship"
I sigh
"Like with Maddie and those other girls I dated before that didn't end up great"
She glances at me with a stern look
"I know you are sweet and caring and that you have deep feelings for her so try to ask her out or something I think she will like to go out with you"
She says I smile
I say and I shift in my seat and I decide to get some rest since I didn't sleep that much,and Im out like a light.
I know this chapter is terrible and sorry I haven't really been updating I've taken a break from Wattpad for a bit and I lost my password so I wrote it on this account I hope you liked it and once again sorry!😁

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