Chapter 1

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Hearts. Bokuto loved looking at hearts.

The hearts he saw as a Matchmaker told him everyone's current love status. Heartbroken, One-Way, Happily Together, Happily Single.

At least, that's what he figured they were. He could never remember the official names.

He was doing what he normally did after work. Waiting for his best friend, and passing the time by watching the hearts. He liked seeing the glow from them when someone was with their special person.

"Yo Bokuto!"

He turned, seeing is friend walking towards him.


The two fist bumped. They started walking, and Bokuto noticed the heart above Kuroo's head. It was light pink, which Bokuto now knew the meaning of.

"Who do you love?" Bokuto blurted, looking back to Kuroo's face.

His friend flushed, and he looked down a little.

"That was random. Why do you ask?"

"Because of your-"

Bokuto interrupted himself with a coughing fit. After it was over, he changed his sentence.

"You seem different."

Kuroo raised an eyebrow.

"Oddly aware of you Bokuto. But..."

He rubbed the back of his neck, and Bokuto leaned closer.

"I think I'm in love with Kenma," Kuroo mumbled.

Bokuto's eyes widened. The news wasn't a surprise to him, but the way Kuroo was acting was.

"Congrats man!"

"Don't congratulate me yet. I don't think he feels the same."

Bokuto frowns.

"You should let me meet him. I'll be able to tell."

Kuroo gave him another weird look but shrugged.

"Sure, you can meet him after practice today."

"Hey Kuroo!"

Bokuto ran up to the rooster-headed male, smiling.

"Can I meet him now?"

Kuroo chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, c'mon. He's outside."

The two walked out, seeing a small boy sitting on a bench. He was focused on his game, and Bokuto could see the outline of a heart above his head, though it was completely empty.

He doesn't like Kuroo?

"Hey hey hey!" Bokuto shouted, startling the gamer. "I'm Bokuto! You must be Kenma, right? Kuroo's told me all about you!"

Kenma stood up and nodded once.

"Yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you."

Kuroo walked up and stood beside Kenma. Sensing an opportunity, he left the pair and turned the corner. He made sure to keep the pair in sight, knowing his aim was shaky.

"You ready to go Kitten?" Kuroo asked with his usual grin.


He raised his hand and flicked it, sending a small beam of light towards Kenma's chest. He nearly missed, but Kuroo shifted at the right moment to send the light straight into Kenma.

Bokuto grinned from the shadows as the heart above Kenma's head fill with a light pink glow.

The whole thing took less than a second, and he cheered internally when Kenma blushed.

"Well, good job."

Bokuto jumped, hearing the voice behind him. He turned and was stunned.

The man in front of him was the prettiest person he'd ever seen. The black hair complimented his blue eyes, and he stood with an air of confidence.


The man raised an eyebrow.


"You're...really pretty."

The man blushed but cleared his throat.

"I was sent by the Matchmaker Association." He looked back to the pair behind Bokuto for a brief moment. "Someone missed a match and only got half. I was sent to handle it, but I guess you took care of it."

Bokuto nodded proudly.


The man nodded once.

"Good. Well, I'll be going then."

"Hold on!"

The man turned back to look at him.

"What's your name?"

The man paused, surprised.

"Oh, uh...Keiji Akaashi. You?"

Bokuto grinned.

"Kotaro Bokuto!"

Akaashi smiled. Just a little, but it made butterflies flutter in Bokuto's stomach.

"Nice to meet you Bokuto. I hope to see you again some time."

He waved and left, turning the corner and out of sight.

Bokuto grinned, feeling his face heat up.


He knew he wasn't allowed to love anybody, but if he could, he would choose Akaashi. And besides, he was a Matchmaker too, so it's not like he'd have to match him one day.

Calm down Bokuto. This isn't love, you just think he's pretty. Super pretty, with perfect hair and eyes and smile and-

He blinked. This would be fine. He'd keep living life and soon he'd forget about that perfect boy.

After all, there was no such thing as love at first sight.

He would know.

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