Chapter 5

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Written by yours truly. Enjoy!

"Emotions are hard," Bokuto said.

"Yeah, they can get pretty annoying," Tadashi agreed. "So tell me more about this mystery man."

Bokuto was currently hanging out with Tsukishima and Tadashi, some of his older friends from high school. Tsukishima was currently making popcorn, leaving the other two in the bedroom.

"He's so pretty Tadashi," Bokuto said. "He has the prettiest black hair, and the prettiest personality. He's so kind and smart and mature and-"

"Sounds nothing like you," Tsukishima interrupted, smirking as he set down the bowl of popcorn.


"Am I wrong?"


"Tsukki!" Tadashi said. "Be nice."

Tsukishima tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"Not my style. Now what about your little crush?"

Bokuto huffed and turned to Tadashi.

"How did you two end up together?" He asks.

Tadashi laughed nervously.

"Well, I've always been close with Tsukki. He's been my best friend since elementary school, so I was sure we'd stay that way. But there is always a chance."

"Yeah, even for dumbasses like you."


"I mean." Tsukki took another piece of popcorn. "Look at Hinata. Even he managed to get someone."

Bokuto blinked.

"Shoyo Hinata?" he asked.

"Shocking I know, but yeah. He got with Kageyama."

Bokuto blinked again, stunned.

"But he's a-"

He was cut off by a coughing fit, which ended soon after.

If Hinata got with Kageyama, then it isn't impossible for matchmakers to fall in love.

Bokuto stood up quickly.

"I just remembered I have to go," he said. "Sorry to cut it short. We'll talk more soon, alright?"

"Okay!" Tadashi said. "See ya!"

Bokuto knocked on the door, only to be greeted by an annoyed yet sleepy-looking Kageyama.

"What the hell do you want?" he asked. "I was busy."

"Sorry, I need to talk to shrimpy," Bokuto said.

Said ginger came down the stairs and grinned at the sight of Bokuto.

"Hey, come on in!"

Kageyama grumbled his way upstairs as the other two made their way to the living room.

"Sorry about Tobio. He's been stressed lately and wanted to take a nap with me," Hinata said. "What's up?"

"You're dating someone."


"And you're a matchmaker."

Hinata laughs.

"Oh, yeah. That's a complicated story," he says.

"Well I need to know it."

Hinata raised an eyebrow.

"Did you meet someone?" he asked.

"Yes! And he is the most beautiful person in the universe!"

Hinata laughed and nodded.

"Okay okay. I went and asked my boss if I could try courting Kageyama."

Bokuto tilted his head.

"That was it?"

"Well, no." Hinata rubbed the back of his neck. "I had to make a deal. I could try, but I wasn't allowed to have any help with his feelings."


"Yeah. They had to be totally natural paced. But it was worth it."

Bokuto nodded.

"Got it. Thanks Hinata."

The two said goodbye and Bokuto left. Hinata went back upstairs to see a pouty Kageyama.

"Aww, did you miss me Tobio?" Hinata asks.

"Just shut up and cuddle me."

Bokuto knocked on the dark oak door once again, nervousness coursing through him. This would either end well, or it would end in disaster.

"Come in."

He opened the door, noticing the raised eyebrow to signal that Kyoya had not been expecting him.

"Bokuto. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Kyoya asked.

"I wanted to ask you something."

Kyoya nodded and gestured to the chair. Bokuto sat down, trying to keep his hands still.

"Well, I don't have all day. I have lunch with Tamaki Suou soon so you'll have to make it fast."

Bokuto gulped. Tamaki Suou was a powerful man in the normal world. He owned several businesses and was the headmaster of his old high school. Clearly Kyoya was an important man to be meeting with him.

"Well, there's this man..."

Kyoya raised an eyebrow.

"Is he aware of what we do here?"

"No! I mean, yes, but that isn't a problem!" Bokuto said nervously. "I mean, he's also a Matchmaker."

Kyoya nodded.

"Is he causing you trouble?"

"No. Quite the opposite actually. He's wonderful."

Kyoya hummed but didn't speak.

"I know it's against the rules, but I'd like to try courting him."

Kyoya sat up straighter, making Bokuto flinch slightly. The male sighed and adjusted his glasses.

"Well, I can't say this is unheard of."

Bokuto tensed.

"Very well. You may attempt to court this man."


"But," Kyoya interrupts. "If, when you do ask him, he says no, I expect you to never speak with him again."

Bokuto paled and his eyes widened.


"I find it only fair," Kyoya said, his voice shifting into an fake casual. "I am letting you break a rule meant to protect our secret. I see it only fair that if this fails, you never speak to this man again."

Bokuto clenched his fists to keep his hands from shaking.

"Or," Kyoya adds. "I can pull some strings and you may find your interest moved to another association. One on the other side of the world. America, lets say."

Bokuto gulped and nodded.

"I accept the arrangement, sir. If he rejects me, I won't speak with him again."

Kyoya nodded and held his hand over the desk. Bokuto shook and left, feeling terror pool in the pit of his stomach.

Well, if that wasn't pressure, he didn't know what was.

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