Chapter 7

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🐺: I accidentally posted this with my notes for the chapter. Woops.

"Dude, Kenma is the best boyfriend ever," Kuroo says. "He's not very different most of the time, but now he'll cuddle with me while he plays his games and he's always stealing my hoodies and- Ahhhh, he's adorable!"

Bokuto grinned. He loved hearing Kuroo talk about his new relationship. Knowing he made someone else happy always makes him feel good.

"You're lucky. Kaoru just moved out, I need a new roomie."

"You'll find someone, but hey, you wanna go down to my work and get a drink?" Kuroo asks.

"Sure! Let me leave tell Kenma real quick so he knows where I went." Kuroo ran up the stairs, and Bo let out a chuckle.

I wish Akaashi and I could be like that.

He blinked. He'd seen this guy like, twice. Why was he thinking about Akaashi like that?

Matchmakers aren't supposed to crush on people at all.

"Maybe I'm broken," Bo mumbled.

"What about broke?" Kuroo said. "You better not be broke dude, I'm not paying for you."

Bo smirked and stood up.

"Nah man, I can pay."

Ten minutes later, the two were sitting at Kuroo's work, AKA a coffeehouse just down the street.

It wasn't as nice as the one he went to with Akaashi, but he wasn't going to say that.

"So, yeah, one of our regulars literally threw a fit because we were out of chocolate muffins," Kuroo said, finishing up another story about a customer.

"Dude, that's crazy," Bo laughed, nearly spilling his drink in the process. Kuroo paused, looking over to the empty table in the corner before checking his watch.

"Huh. Speaking of one of our regulars, that's the fourth day in a row he wasn't over there."

Bo tilted his head.


"Well, there's a regular that comes in every day. He sits over there-" Kuroo points to the table. "And gets the same thing every time. He hasn't come in for the last four days though. I hope he's okay."

"That is weird," Bo says. "Who knows, maybe he's just busy."

Kuroo shrugged.

"I'm going to get a refill. You want anything?"

Bo shook his head, and Kuroo walked to the counter.

Bo felt his phone buzz, the specific buzz for his Matchmaker news app. He pulled it out and clicked the notification.


Four days ago, star matchmaker Keiji Akaashi was effectively removed from his position in the Hathor Matchmaking Association after speaking with his boss. While the CEO of Hathor is keeping the reasoning confidential, society can't help but wonder why this skilled Matchmaker would get removed from a position of such prestige. More on 7.

Underneath the article was an image of Akaashi, looking confident and put together in his official work picture.

Bokuto's eyes widened.

"Yo, that's the guy!" Kuroo said, sitting down. "You know him?"

Bokuto quickly clicked off the app, switching to his contacts.

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