Author's Note.

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Hey all, it's been awhile, huh? Yes, I am rewriting my original shigidabi fic, and I hope you'll all enjoy this one just as much. I will still leave the original up.  

A lot has changed for me since writing the original fic. I started streaming on twitch (please follow me the link is in my bio). I discovered a passion for photography. I also sorted out a lot of things and took some time to properly discover myself. I know who I am and I am doing much better because of it. I know you guys probably don't care about what I'm saying, but that's ok. Since no one's going to read this I can say whatever I want.

For this fic I want to focus more on Touya and Shimura as characters. There are no quirks in this story. I want explore a proper romance for the two.  I want the connections to feel natural, and I will not be posting anything that I do not feel is up to my new standards. Please be patient as I work on this fic, as this is only the beginning. I might not be using the proper established personalities for the characters, but I will try to keep it to as close to them as I feel would work. Since things are different in this au, i feel as though there would be slight personality changes, and I apologize if I end up messing up characters that you love. I will do my best to keep with cannon, especially now that the anime has explored the villains a little more.

Anyways this note has gone on long enough, I'll be posting the first chapter hopefully later today. See you then my lovelies.

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