Will You?

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The smell of food is what woke Camilo the next morning. He didn't want to open his eyes, but his stomach decided it was time to get up. Begrudgingly, he lifted his head.

When he finally did open his eyes, his cheeks flared up. Somehow, in his slumber, he ended up using Abigail's stomach as a pillow. One of her hands was up by her head while the other was still tangled in his hair. He smiled sweetly at how soundly she slept.

Then his stomach yelled at him again and he sighed. Slowly, he moved himself from the warm embrace of the bed. Reaching for his ruana, he contemplated waking the brunette for breakfast, but seeing how peaceful she looked, quickly thought better of it.

Instead, he covered her with his ruana, gently kissed her head and made his way to the kitchen. The Sanchez home wasn't nearly as big as Casita, but it was cozy. As he walked, he could see pictures of Abigail and her father, some with Mirabel. One picture made him stop, however.

It was Dante's wedding photo. That was Cordelia standing next to him. Mariposa looks just like her. Especially that cute little mole.

Rounding the corner to the kitchen, he deeply inhaled a wonderful aroma. "Tia, that smells amazing. I'm starving."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not your aunt. Although, if my cooking is even half as good as hers, who am I to complain." Dante was placing the plates on the table, an amused smirk on his face. "Arepa Boyacense with orange juice. Abigail's favorite."

Camilo smiled at that and sat down. Taking a bite, his smile grew. "This is really good."

"Help yourself to as many as you want. I made more for your family. You all need to keep up your strength if we're going to rebuild your house."

The boy nodded a thank you. Both of them enjoying a comfortable silence before cleaning up. However, before Camilo could begin washing his plate Dante stopped him.

"I've got this. You should go see what your family needs. We'll be there as soon as mi princesa is ready."

The teen was about to step out when he remembered something. It was now or never in his mind. "Actually, I wanted to ask you  something."

"Oh? And what might that be?" Dante turned to face him, giving the boy his full attention.



Upon seeing his brother, Antonio ran to him with that bright smile of his. Camilo knelt down and ruffled the black curls on his head. Picking him up and pressing a light kiss to his round cheek in the process.

"Morning, hermonito."

"Where's Abbi?"

The older boy chuckled. "She'll be here. Don't worry."

With his brother in his arms, Camilo made his way through the rubble that was once his home. They soon found their mother, who was talking to a woman from town. She smiled when her boys came into view.

"Hola, Mami." Her eldest son kissed her cheek as she held her youngest ones hand. Something was different about Camilo today. Sure, he always showed his affection through physical touch, but the way he smiled like a lovesick puppy was more than enough to make her curious.

She eyed him with a gentle smile. Deciding to keep quiet for now. "Where's your ruana?"

"Mariposa has it," he said.

"Has her bandage been changed?" Julieta came over and hugged her nephew. A small first aid kit in her hands.

"She was still asleep when I left." He placed his injured hand in hers, watching as she unwrapped the bandage. There were a few small cuts that would, unfortunately, scar due to his aunt not having the power to heal anymore. A small price to pay after everything that happened.

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