A New Generation of Magical Blessings

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Today was a special day. Or it was supposed to be. For Abigail, it was one stressful thing after another.

Tonight was the twins fifth birthday. The day when each blood-born Madrigal received their gift. It was a blessing.

The day started off well enough. Casita had decorations all around her. Two new doors glowed in anticipation of their new owners. Everything was fine.

Until Camilo came home early to spend time with his family before the festivities began. Walking into the courtyard he spotted his wife looking around frantically. "Don't tell me. You can't find them?"

"No," she said. "It's Antonio all over again."

"You know their probably either with him or your dad right?"

Abbi shook her head. "I asked Papi and he hasn't seen them since he got here."

"Well then, let's go see mi hermano."

Putting an arm around her, they went to Antonio's room, where they found him wrestling with a baby jaguar. "Sorry guys. I've been in here most of the day."

That was not what they wanted to hear. Abbi unconsciously started playing with the fringe of her shawl. Camilo's fingers tapped his hips.

"Try the nursery. That's where I was."

"Thanks, hermonito."

And so the two of them made their way to the twins shared room. Before Camilo opened the door Abigail stopped him. "Wait. Listen."

"What's gonna happen if we don't get a gift, Gabe?"

"I.......I don't know, Raqi."

A sniffle was heard and the parents entered the room. The sight before them broke their hearts. Both children nestled together on floor, with Raquel crying her eyes out and Gabriel holding her with everything he had.

Kneeling to their level, Camilo engulfed them in his arms as Abbi patted their daughters head. "You two scared your Mama half to death, ya know that?"

"Lo siento," sniffle Raqi.

"What's the matter, my little troublemakers?"

Gabe reached our for his mother and she gladly took him from her husband. "Raqi's scared she won't get a gift." The young boy rested his head on Abbi's shoulder.

"Th-that's not true!"

Camilo wiped the tears from his daughters face. "Then why are you crying, monstruo? You're stronger than this."

She immediately went quietly. That only happens when something is really bothering her. It's one of the ways she's like her father.

"Raqi? Deep breath. You can tell us anything," her mother encouraged.

"W-will you still love us.......even if we don't get our gifts?" She looked up at Camilo with those big hazel eyes and he felt his heart break even more. The parents looked at each other, concern spread clearly through their faces.

"Oh, sweetie. Of course we will. Gift or no gift, our love for you two will never fade away. That's a promise."

"She's right. You don't need a gift for us to love you. You're our children. That's all we need to love you."

Raqi's lip quivered and she held onto Camilo like a life line. Both parents saw the relief in her eyes and the smile their son had. The young boy reached out to his sister and held her hand.

Slowly, her cries stopped and a knock was heard. "Ah, I see you found them. We were getting worried."

"Abuelo Dante!"

Both kids scrambled from their fathers hold, only to barrel into the older man. His visit's were never rare, but they were always welcome. Dante spoiled them (and Ricky) as any grandparent would.

"Aye! How about you two come with me, eh? I have a surprise for you."

"Pa, we agreed all surprises wait until after the ceremony, remember?"

"It'll only take a minute, Princesa."

They practically ran back to their parents, hands clasped together, eyes as big as possible, and all smiles. "Please, Mama! Please!"

Abigail looked from her children to her husband, who only shrugged. Apparently, he was fine with whatever she decided. "Alright. Go ahead. But, I want you both back here in one hour. We need to get you ready."

The twins cheered and hugged her. Running back to their grandfather, they said a hasty goodbye and followed him out the door. Camilo chuckled at how quickly their moods changed, bringing his arms around Abbi and resting his on her shoulder.

"Ya know, they remind me of us. Remember all the trouble we caused after we got together?"

"You mean the trouble you caused." She flicked his forehead. "I was the shy, meek, little girl."

"'Was'?" Another flick. He just laughed and held her tighter.


Camilo didn't know how his parents did it. Not once, but thrice. He was waiting  at the top of the stairs (with Abbi by his side) for Gabriel and Raquel to make their appearance.

Usually, he was and expert at hiding his own nervousness. But this? This just wasn't fair. It was nerve wrecking.

Looking around at the crowd below, he spotted his friends who waved and nodded. Abigail was twiddling with the ends of her shawl again and he put a hand on her shoulder to calm her. Seeing her smile was all he needed to calm himself (if only a little).

Mirabel stood at the bottom of the stairs and took a deep breath. This was the first year she'd be taking over for Alma. If anyone's anxiety ran high, it was hers.

During the last year Abuela Alma had decided she'd like to teach Mirabel to be the next head of the family. She still had guilt about how her granddaughter was treated and maybe this was a way to atone for it. Whatever the case, the whole family agreed on it.

"Sixty years ago, we were blessed with a miracle. And we used that miracle to help our community grow into what it is today. Tonight, we come together again as two more step into the light."

The red curtain opened and there stood Raquel an Gabriel. Anyone with eyes could clearly see how scared the two were. They looked up at their parents. Camilo and Abbi gave them gentle smiles and nodded. You can do this.

Raqi tightly held her brothers hand as she lead the way to Mirabel. Gabe didn't seem as bothered as his sister. He just smiled at everyone and laughed at his cousin.

"YOU GOT THIS GUYS!" shouted Ricky. The six-year-old was sat on his fathers shoulders and said a quick apology to his mother. He was proud to be their cousin.

When they reached the stairs, Mira hugged them. "I love you both. So much."

"We love you too, Tia Mira."

"Go on. Open those doors. We're all right behind you."

The twins looked at the glowing doors, then each other. Gabe squeezed his sisters hand. "Lista?"

"Listo," she squeezed back.

As Abigail watched her children move toward their respective doors, she couldn't help the feeling of pride that bubbled within her. When she was younger, she never dreamed she'd be where she is right now. With the man of her dreams at he side, two beautiful children of her own, and a best friend she could actually call family now. She was happy. Happier than she'd been in years.

Giving Camilo a peck on the cheek, she leaned her head on his shoulder. Knowing that whatever came next, whether her children received their gifts or not, they were a family. A family that would be together through anything. That was a promise.

                                                                             THE END

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