Water Aerobics

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The alarm went off again the next morning. This Time Camila was the one to wake Lauren up. She shook Lauren gently telling her to wake up.

"Hey Camz" Lauren said as she woke up.

"Hey" Camila greeted Lauren. "I was thinking last night for a nickname for you, since you have one for me. How about Lolo? it kinda goes good with your name."

"Hmm.. Lolo." Lauren said thinking about it. "I love it Camz! Camz and Lolo." Lauren said smiling. The girls got ready and went to breakfast. Afterwards, it was activity time.

Camila and Lauren left the Cafeteria together, to go get ready for water Aerobics. Camila watched Lauren change into her bikini, while she changed into Hers. She just paid attention to the tattoo on her rib cage. She didn't ask what it meant because they weren't that close, and it was kinda awkward that Camila was staring at Lauren's naked body.

"Welcome to your first activity of the day! I'm your instructor, Miss Normani." Said the instructor. "Everyone into the pool!" She said.

"Beat you in there!" Laughed Camila as she ran to jump off the edge, Lauren jumping in after her.

"Oh my God this water is freezing!!" Lauren yelled laughing her ass off.

"Hahah yeah I know, weren't you wondering why I made you full on jump after me?" Camila laughed.

"Okay okay listen up girls." Started the instructor, the rest was a lot of stretching and exercising. But for Camila and Lauren it was a lot of laughing, not listening or doing what they were supposed to be doing. It was a lot of chasing and splashing, and dunking and racing. It was the best time either of them had ever had in a long time.

"My God, that was the funniest time ever!" Camila said at lunch. She couldn't wait to scarf down a big salad and hamburger.

"I know right? I laughed so hard I almost peed" Lauren giggled. " I can't wait for windsurfing.. That should be fun haha" she said.

Camila smiled to herself as she took a bite of food. Lauren was really nice, and they definitely had a connection.

It was free time, and Lauren had plans to go to the lake with Clarissa and Ally. Camila didn't really have any plans except going back to the pool to read. She was really looking forward to starting her knew romance novel.

"Hey Camz, do you want to go to the lake with us? We'll probably just sit out on the sand and stuff" Lauren proposed.

"I guess I could relocate my read." Camila said optimistically.

Lauren felt like she really knew Camila. Like she had known her for years, and knew everything about her. But sadly, she barely knew anything. Accept for that she really has a reading obsession, likes to swim, likes to dress up and go to tea parties or whatever girly girls do.. And she liked to laugh. At least that's what she did with Lauren. She laughed that obnoxious uncontrolled laugh every time Lauren just let herself out. She wanted to open up to Camila.. She wanted to hear all Camila's thoughts and opinions. She was just flat out interested in Camila. She didn't know if more than friends.. But she knew she liked her very much.

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