Part 3 on the road again.

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 a few weeks later

Well here we are The lone Star State Jay says out loud looking at the Texas state border sign I honestly thought the sign would be bigger. Well, where do I go now Jay opens up his bag and grabs the map well looks like here I got to go to Austin That's real estate capital that makes sense to Head there does the book have any updates? He wonders grabbing the notebook it looks like there is He says in his head looking at the third page there's some text Good job on reaching the lone Star State Jay now the second part of what you're supposed to do is about to begin how's your travel to look for settlements help them in any way you can and try and make them join you in your effort. To rebuild the state of Texas or if you have to the Republic of Texas either or is an acceptable way to start rebuilding the US Good luck and safe travels.- w well I better start walking again maybe I'll find a settlement nearby hopefully they have a hotel is there even is a settlement. Jay thinks out loud.

to be continued.

AN hey everyone here's what The update schedule for this might be doing work on this on the weekends due to school and such. But I will try to update through the weekdays but expect more consistency on the weekends. Thanks, Battleborn 1864. Again some chapters might be really long or super short like this one also how does this thing already have close to 30 reads I just published this last night?? 

rebuilding the USA one state at a time.Where stories live. Discover now