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Meeting Again

Sweet Home


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Hyun-soo stared at his computer screen, feeling numb as he watched the big, white words flashing before his eyes: YOU DIED. His fingers were still on his keyboard and if it were a cartoon, smoke would be coming out of his sizzling digits. He had felt annoyed at first but now, he felt nothing, wondering why his character was dead but he was still sitting there, alive.

Sighing, he rubbed his eyes tiredly and pushed himself away from his desk, his chair rolling on the messy floor of his apartment. He was tired and depressed, the big, yellow sun outside not bright enough to make him feel any better. He had shut the curtains tight anyway and the warm rays could not even reach him.

As he slowly started to get ready for bed even if it was still very early and he had not eaten yet, he prayed to not wake up the next morning. But just as he was about to change, there was a knock on the door. He jumped, putting his shirt back over his head and stared with wide eyes at the closed door of his apartment. He thought he might have imagined the sound when he heard it again. His eyes were suddenly drawn to the crack under the door when he saw a shadow moving from the other side. Someone was there.

Hyun-soo slowly made his way towards the door, very hesitantly. Putting his hand on the doorknob and using the other to turn the lock, he opened the door and looked down at the shorter person that was now standing in front of him.

Just as he got a proper look at her face - because she was a girl - and recognized her, she threw herself in his arms, her own wrapping around his neck, one hand going to his long, dark hair.

"Hyun-soo," She breathed out, her fingers tickling his scalp.

She pulled away from him even if he had yet to return the embrace. He could not believe his eyes. How was she here? Looking up at him since he was much taller than her, she giggled at the look on his face.

"Hi," She said, waving awkwardly.

"Ae-cha," He said her name in disbelief, curling his hands into nervous fists. He looked down at the suitcase at her feet and frowned. "What are you doing here?" He questioned quietly, looking up to her pale brown eyes.

"I came to offer my support," She explained, her smile dimming slightly. He looked down at the floor, a lump forming in his throat. He felt her smaller fingers wrap around his own and she uncurled his fist, slipping her hand into his. "You shouldn't have to go through this alone," She told him, squeezing his hand softly.

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