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Sweet Home

Ae-cha opened her eyes slowly, lifting her head from Hyun-soo's shoulder as the boy seemed to stir next to her. She looked around and realized she was in a military van. She looked over at the driver who was calling their names repeatedly but she could not see his face.

Looking at the boy next to her, she could see his eyes were back to normal and she assumed hers were too. Looking down, she could see that they still had not let go of each other's hand.

"You're awake," The driver spoke, turning his head slightly to look at them and Ae-cha felt her breath hitch.


"Long time no see," He said with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips before he turned back around to look at the road.

Ae-cha was beyond confused but all she could think was...

Where is his scar?

Author's note: 
Hi :)
It took me two weeks to write (yes, i realize that i have a problem) 
This story was 132 words pages, 60 029 words, 1734 paragraphs and 327 510 characters. I worked on it for HOURS and I'm so happy you guys liked it. Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting, it motivated me to continue writing <3
There will be a sequel don't worry. I'm gonna wait to see if Netflix announces a season two and if they don't, I'll write my own sequel and invent my own season two because I don't want to leave it at that. 
Again, thank you so much, I had so much fun writing this story and reading your comments <3

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