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Sweet Home


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After trying to stop his nosebleed, Hyun-soo grew light-headed again and Ae-cha helped him lay down on his mattress. His eyes closed almost instantly, making her heart beat in worry. He was sick, that much was obvious, but what was this mysterious sickness? Was it from the blood outside? She did not even know whose blood that was...

He would not stop shaking and quivering, even after she had wrapped as many blankets as she could find around him. She had sat down near his head, letting him use her lap as a pillow and she was brushing her shaking fingers through his hair.

"Please, Hyun-soo," She whispered, her bottom lip quivering. She leaned down to press her forehead to his, sighing shakily. "Don't leave me. I can't do this without you," She begged.

There was suddenly a knock on the door which made her jump. Pushing Hyun-soo's head back on his pillow, she stood on shaky legs to walk over to the door, scared it would be the crazed woman once more. Looking over at the monitor, she saw a blurry girl that was not the same as earlier and relaxed slightly. Grabbing the phone, she brought it to her mouth.

"What do you want?" She questioned with a trembling voice.

"Please, let me in," The girl pleaded, looking around her in fear as if she was expecting someone to pounce on her any second. "There's a crazy woman that tried to get into my apartment! I don't know what to do,"

"Show me your arms," Ae-cha said instantly, remembering the woman's reaction from earlier.

"What?" The girl exclaimed but she obliged, showing her arms to the camera which made Ae-cha relax and rush to the door. She unlocked it and opened it to let the girl in. "Thank you," She said gratefully, bowing slightly before her eyes moved to Hyun-soo. "What happened to him?"

Ae-cha locked the door and her eyes moved to the baseball bat in the girl's hand. "I don't know, he's sick," She explained, her voice weak and fear-filled. "What's your name?"

"I'm Yoon Si-joo," She replied.

"May Ae-cha," the younger girl said back. "Do you live in the building?" She asked the girl, her eyes moving back to her face. She was pretty. She had dark brown hair but had died a layer underneath in pinkish-red. She was wearing a band shirt and jean shorts.

"Yeah, I live in apartment 1510," Si-joo answered with a slight nod, gulping nervously. "What about you?"

"Oh, I just came here to visit," She explained simply, pointing at a still unconscious Hyun-soo, concern clawing at her heart.

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