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Oh ! What a sight to behold... As children wave and salute happily to their parents,
Who Eager to end this melancholic fate ..

Alas families are broken , hunger, despair is evident.....
Y feel remorse ?
Y feel pain ?

As evident as the false smiles worn, so evident is the war which awaits...

Bloodshed on battle fields, innocent victims are killed...
The villains are slayed too

In the struggle to obtain power,
Leaders are ignorant of the pain which they caused 

Wives await their husband, mother's await their children, husbands awaits their wife, children awaits their parents, young budding teenagers await their lovers all because of this  war.....

Where are we headed to ?
Why the need for pain and suffering...

I care less about the news about this war
Y u ask ?
Because this world was never a safe haven to begin....

A wolf in a sheep clothing
That's how this world works.....

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