Withered Cry Of A Young Adult

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Hey book
Am feeling down, funny right?
You hear words like you are a strong  child and you are not supposed to be talking like that
or you're a strong child u can go through it.
Am a strong child I agree but am also a baby
I always want to be pampered
I got a lot on my head
Guess no one really does understand me.
How I wish I can telepath how I feel without speaking but not possible right ?
I'm really a popular loner u know
I support people when they are down but lol who helps u no one right ? no ish you were a loner from birth..
Those hidden cries no one sees or hears
you got fears that I know but u built a wall around you creating a world of your own
Ah really tired of what ? I don't really know,
I only wish I'm okay
what to do ?  I don't actually know
Tired yes, frustrated yes, depressed yes, feeling lonely yes
I wish I only wish
But am tired

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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