chap 6

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Come on i made you some eggs
And bacon i"ll be going out with chifuyu,kazutora and takemichi okay... Have fun

Walk's to takemichi...

"knock knock" comming oh hey! Angry (souta kawata) want to go out with me? Sure wait for me outside okay im ready! Okay let's go to chifuyu and kazutora okay

At chifuyu and kazutora...

"knock knock" comming oh hey! Takemichi oh! Souta why are you guys here for? Where's kazutora? Oh she's in her bedroom why? Let's hangout its been a while yeah well ill call kazutora wait for us outside okay...

After dressing up...

Okay let's go now hmmmm... What resturant should we go to? Umm that one rin said the food there is yummy oh okay let's go

Entering the resturant...

Ohhh you guy's sit there me and chifuyu and i are gonna order okay so chifuyu what are you gonna oh im gonna coffee and pancake's and for kazutora she'll get some pancake's too and just water
What about you souta? Oh for me i"ll just get pancake's too let's just order us some pancake's and two water and two coffee

After ordering...

Okay sir well bring it to you right away sir okay so what did you order for us? We orderd pancake's and two water and two coffee okay

After eating...

Hmmm... That was so good i think im gonna eat there again hahaha... Was it really that yummy huh yeah its like the best food ive ever eaten

Thank's for reading sorry for not uploading ( ̄□ ̄;)  cuz i was forgetting that i had story on wattpad

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