Chapter 9

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Emma's POV

Monday. Please lord, let Luke not be in school today. Yesterday was really nice. After a couple movies I decided to tell Ashton everything that happened. About my mum, brother, dad, Luke, about everything that happened since he left I guess. It's pretty weird that we are still pretty close after 9 years of not communicating at all. I'm glad I told him to be honest, I feel like some weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. The best part was that Ashton didn't judge me or tell me to get over it. He was understanding. He told me that everything is going to be okay and that he's always going to be there for me. I saw him tearing up a bit which made feel kind of guilty I guess. He insisted that I stayed with him for a while and that I shouldn't go to school on Monday because of the state I was in. I decided to stay over at his house again but still go to school. I hated knowing that I was probably going to have to face Luke again, but, my dad getting a phone call home about me not coming into school would be much worse. I'm already camping out at Ashton's house for a while, which is enough to set him off and hate me more. I bounced up in my seat again as we went over another speed bump. Ashton insisted on driving me to school and I finally gave in. He helped me sneak into my house and get my school bag as well as another one full of things I needed but forgot to pack before, including my razor. I stared out the window as Ashton parked in front of the gates. He got out of the car and took my school bag out of the trunk. I reluctantly got out after him and made my way towards Ashton. There was no sight of Luke or his group where they would usually stand, something I was so grateful for.

“Are you sure you want to go in?” I know how bad Ashton didn't want me to go to school but I can't just avoid it forever.

“Ash, I'll be fine. Trust me.” I hugged him tightly and he placed a small sweet kiss on the top of my head.

“I'll pick you up here from the same spot ok? Your school finishes at 3 right?” I nodded and we finished hugging.

“Thank you.”

“There's no need. I finish work at 1 anyway.”

“Not only for picking me up from school. For everything you've done for me. For letting me stay at your house. For helping me smile, for real. Just for being here for me.” I saw him smile wider than ever. And he pulled me into another tight hug that I happily accepted.

“I really don't want to let go but I don't want to be the reason why your late.” He sighed and I chuckled a bit. We pulled away and I started heading into school, straight to my History lesson.

“Bye Ash! See you after school and don't worry I'll be fine.” I quickly called out to him before making my way in. That's strange. Luke and his group aren't here yet? I let out a sigh of relief and watched our teacher walk in. Maybe I will be fine today.

The bell finally rang and everyone piled out of the class running out onto the school field. I gathered up my stuff and made my way straight to my music class. My teacher was really nice, especially to me, so she didn't mind when I came to class early.

“Hi Emma!” I laughed at her enthusiasm. She wasn't much older than us. She was just finishing off university and she treated me like her younger sister. She didn't know about the whole me and Luke thing. I was kinda glad since Luke was her other favourite student. She never got him in trouble for the few times he talked or messed around in class and this was the only lesson he would actually behave himself.

“Hey Ms Davis.” We smiled at each other and I placed my books down in my seat. Another reason why she was my favourite teacher was because whenever there was a lesson I hated or really didn't want to go to, she would let me help her teach a younger class or let me stay in one of the practice rooms and would write a note with an excuse that she needed me to stay and help her set up for something. “Do you need help with anything?”

“Actually yes that would be nice.” She smiled at me and handed me a bunch of sheets. “Do you think you could put three sheets in each practice room? You guys are going to be doing some practical work so these might be useful.”

“Sure.” And with that she handed me her teachers pass so I can easily get into the rooms. I headed out and made my way to the first room. Each room had different instruments, I usually got permission to stay in the bigger rooms with most of them. This room had a black piano in the corner as well as one acoustic and electric guitar connected to an amp. I did as she told me and left three sheets on one of the music stands. I did that with each of the rooms until I got to the last one. There was faint sound coming from the room and I slightly peaked in to see who was in there. It was Luke. Shit, shit, shit. What do I do? I started to panic. I couldn't just come in. He would hate me even more after. I stood outside his door away from the little window in it. He sounded so calm. He was light strumming a familiar tune on the guitar. He started to sing and I could automatically tell it was Lego House by Ed Sheeran. It was weird to see him without his little gang. He would always be with them. Is this why he was no where to be seen this morning? His voice was so angelic and soothing. Who knew that a prick like him would sound so amazing? I decided not to go in and made my way back into class. “Hey Miss. I put them in all of the rooms apart from the last one since Luke was in there and I didn't want to disturb him.”

“Oh, is it okay if you lay the sheets out anyway? I'm sure he wouldn't mind.” My body tensed up and fear swept over me. I reluctantly nodded my head and made my way back to the room. What do I say? Should I just go in or should I knocked first. It took sometime to gather up some courage but finally knocked on his door. He immediately stopped playing and started at me. My hands started to sweat a bit but I put the card against the scanner anyway. A really small smirk formed on his lips but he looked a bit confused as well.

“Uhm. M-miss told me t-to lay out a c-couple sheets.” I couldn't stop stuttering. I was terrified and the room was sound proof enough for the teacher not to hear me scream if he decided to hurt me. He nodded and looked back at the wooden instrument in his hand. He started to play again and I felt my hands shaking as I gripped tighter onto the sheets in my hand. That's when my clumsiness kicked in. I dropped the sheets and they all went flying around the room. Another thing he can use against me. I went down on my knees and started picking the sheets up. There was some laughter coming from Luke but I tried to ignore it. I felt someone hovering above me and then knelt beside me. What was he doing? Is he going to hurt me? I flinched a bit and he started to pick up some of the sheets. Wait a second. He was helping me? He collected the remaining sheets and handed them over to me. Without saying a word he went back to his seat and started playing again. I just stood there speechless. What just happened?

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