Chapter 2

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You entered the class and were immediately taken aback as you saw what what your chemistry teacher was doing. Her assistant moblit looked at the three of you and pointed towards the desks. He seemed used to the crazy experiments of Hange. You took a seat next to Eren and Armin without moving your eyes away from the test tubes in her hand. Armin curiosly stood up from the desk and went in the direction of hange's chair.

"Which chemical is this ma'am?" He asked in a sophisticated tone.

"h2so4, the sulfuric acid." Hange replied. She was fully concentrated on her work.

"And what about that one?"

This conversation continued. Eren's eyes felt heavy and he soon drifted off to sleep. He woke up to the sound of a loud explosion. Everyone's eyes widened.

"Another explosion in this class. Not unexpected though." Connie yelled from the back of the class.

"Then why don't you come and try this, baddie?" Hange yelled back. Connie pretended to not hear the insult while the class laughed.

Eren was still recovering from the sound of the explosion so you tried to shake him. Armin looked at him with his innocent stare.

"Eren, focus on this experiment. It would affect our grades in semi finals and finals this year." Hearing this, Eren steadily opened this notebook.

"Don't tell dad that I slept in class, he would literally eat me." Eren said and Armin nodded. This sentence is sarcasm in this world, if you assumed the wrong thing.

The class ended and Eren started asking for notes. Eren stopped arguing to Armin as he saw Mikasa with that Jean. Mikasa looked as if she avoided making an eye contact with Eren though she waved to Armin and you. Another trio walked beside her, talking as they exited the class.


"Next, we have the class for biology" bertholdt checked the timetable.

"Oh boilogy. I wonder which chapter we are studying" said Reiner in a flirty manner. Annie looked at him blankly.

"I have to ask my taekwondo teacher about a self defense technique. I'll be back in two minutes. See you both in the boilogy class. " Said Annie as she sprinted to the staircase and then the lower corridor. Meanwhile Reiner looked at bertholdt. Reiner gave him a look that showed that he is gonna talk about something important.

"Why don't you go and make your move? She is available right now. Do you want someone else to steal her again? You might not get a chance to confession your feelings ever again." He gave bertholdt a concerning look. Bertholdt sighed.

"I'd love to tell her about my feelings. I wish she would be mine someday. I still envy her ex, even when I'm aware she no longer has anything to do with that Arlert. But I don't have the courage to confess to her." Bertholdt whined back at him. Reiner patted on his back, he understood what bertholdt said. They started heading towards the classroom of boilogy.


Your feet entered the boilogy classroom filled with different diagrams and posters of human organs. Your teacher was sitting on his chair, waiting for every student to arrive. The three of you sat down on our desks.

While waiting, your eye distracted from the diagram of internal lungs to Armin's notebook. It was opened on a page consisting of a beautiful, tidy handwriting and colorful notes of Chapter 9 of boilogy. Now you are understanding why he is the favorite student of many teachers. You softly creased the pages of the notebook. Armin didn't seem to mind.

'Blue colored highlighter, just like his ocean eyes.' You thought and continued checking his notes.


All the students arrived, not even a single one of them dared to skip or bunk this class. The terror of this teacher is experienced by each student of the college. Disobeying him meant punishments, the cruelest punishments. The student silently took a seat and open their books.

"Page number 65, chapter 4." The professor said, his voice was both calm and scary at the same time. He opened a PowerPoint Presentation on the projector board.

Chapter 4- Structure of the Human Heart.

~Professor Levi Ackerman.

An aura of pin drop silence filled the class room in the duration of the entire lecture. After the professor left the room, Jean checked the corridor and signed everyone to start talking once again till it's time for the next class. He also informed everyone to look out for Miss Petra.

"That new professor would be here to teach botany and flowering any minute now." He added.


You tried to talk to Armin while waiting for Miss Petra Ral as Eren was too busy on thinking how to bring Mikasa back to him. You somehow managed to bring up the topic of books.

"I personally love the books that provide information about the wonders in different corners of the world. What about you (Y/n)?" Armin looked at you, waiting for your answer.

"I'm into fantasy, I love imagining about living in some other world and meeting those people we see in books." You answered.

And so the conversation went till a short women, even shorter than Professor Levi, with shoulder length ginger colored hair came into the room. She greeted the students and begin to rant on and on about her subject, botany.


After a while Miss Petra took the students to her self-made green house to make everyone better understand the structure of some plants with complicated inner parts. Plucking the plants wasn't allowed so Jean's fantasy of giving Mikasa a rose was shattered.

You went to take a quick look on the sunflowers and to your surprise, Armin was also standing their, drawing a diagram of the charming flowers and taking notes of the characteristics of the plants. You looked at the notebook, and then you stared into his blue eyes.

 You looked at the notebook, and then you stared into his blue eyes

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"That's a lot of hard work." You stated.

"This hard work would encourage me to study more and more for the botany exams." He replied, his eyes still focused of the flowerbed. You smirked on his clever answer as you made your way to the lily flowerbed, examining the beauty of the variety of lilies. Their different sizes, shapes and colors astonished you.

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