(17) Losing Himself & Inspiration

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1 month later, 

Violet took off to Paris, now that her book tour was over and her 5th book in her series was about to be published to complete series. Violet decided she needed new inspiration and when she is at her Paris apartment she is less distracted. 

While she was off the grid in Paris, in New York Bucky wasn't doing so hot. In between games and practice he was going out to the bars and clubs. He was bringing home women and screwing them till daylight. 

When he couldn't go out he drank at home and called a booty call. During all this time Bucky's son Cruz was staying with Winnie and James. Winnie told Bucky he couldn't see his son if he was going down this downard spiral. 

Violet found her inspiration for a new book and began writing. 

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