002. "the world holds its breath for a little while"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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Like that snow that just settled down

Let's breathe, like the first time



The whole ride was like a blur to Lucia as she now stood aimlessly in front of King's Cross Station, face red and puffy, numb allover. She won't be surprise if someone were to point at her and out-right say that she resembles a whale, because it would simply be shocking if they didn't.

She gazed up at the station with apprehension crossing her face. It wasn't as though she wasn't excited to attend her fourth year of school, it was just that she didn't think she could make it through the whole journey there without wanting to cry again and also sucking back those tears into her eyes like she did the whole car ride here was just sucky. That, and without trying to remember the horrible memories of when she started out her journey.

It was terrible.

She could imagine the memory vividly, how mother threw a fit right as they entered the station, yelling out how she didn't think it was proper for her 'daughter' to ever go to a school for freaks. She even tried bargaining with her husband on sending their 'precious' and 'sweet' and 'loving' 'daughter' to somewhere more suitable for her. Like, maybe, those 'therapeutic' boarding schools for students with emotional and behavioral issues.

Which one did they almost send her to again? Oh yeah, it's the St. Morris's Academy for The Needy.

She remembered so clearly how Mrs. Beaumont had seized her shoulders, forcing her to look into those crazed eyes of her and said: "It isn't an exclusive school and free of discrimination for all races, ethnicity and such. Perfect for you, dear," and all Lucia could think of was why that's the case.

She reckoned it's because it's discriminatory toward all of their students. They're evil like that.

"I'll do everything but kill you," Leon came up from being her with a look that said: You were spacing out again.

At the reminder that she was not alone, Lucia heaved out a breath of dismay and whirled around to meet him. She smiled with a grudging reassurance that, "Sorry, I'm fine," her words became half-hearted.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now