038. "so tired of this stagnant place that I keep living in"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

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You better recognize, 

this isn't some accident,



Perhaps sitting in the Black Family for hours nonstop was taking a toll on her, because she had never been so irritated before when hearing her own voice echoing. It was like it was mocking her.

Rubbing her eyes tiredly, Lucia looked around the library of Grimmauld Place as she seethed under her breath, realising that even if she wanted to look around, the mountains of books that surrounded her would be her only view.

It was still astonishing how she spent the entirety of the night sticking her nose in some book she knew she wouldn't think twice just to throw it away, but since Harry's rights to go to Hogwarts was in the line, she needed to suffer, for she could not think a day in Hogwarts without Harry now.

It just felt wrong.

And because of this whole thing, Lucia felt as though decades of law knowledge had been installed into her mind. She had learnt. A lot.

But it wasn't voluntarily.

Don't get her wrong, she wanted nothing more than to fall asleep like she did a few nights ago, but nothing would let her sleep without triggering that god awful memory of hers. So, she thought, why not just be useful and look around for anything that could help Harry right? Her priority as of now was Harry. And until she found a way to get Harry out scot-free, she wouldn't let herself be overwhelmed by the tired temptation of slumber.

Lucia grudgingly grasped another book from the pile beside her and began — well, attempt, to read thoroughly about the rules that were set by the Ministry regarding underage magic, while also trying to hold herself back from procrastinate like she did a few minutes ago. She blinked distractedly, searching for the chances of Harry being pardon from expulsion.

It was self-defence. They just have to pardon him.

From the ancient grandfather clock in the corner of the library, Lucia noted as much as she could that it was at least five o'clock in the morning, and with the sound of the shuffling footsteps outside the door, she could assume that meant that Mrs. Weasley was now awake and is about to wake Harry up for his hearing.

𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now