072. "but there's nothing, like doing nothing, with you"

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21:12 ─❁────────── 21:79

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Have I told you lately,

I'm grateful you're mine


          THE BLAZING SUN SHONE THROUGH the sheer curtains of Fred and George's room. Two figures were laid in one bed, soundly asleep in one another's arms, placid when one of the two stirred awake.

Lucia fluttered her eyes open, feeling the most rested she had ever been. She laid on her forearms, looking around the groggily with a yawn. Her surroundings did not process until a minute or two before she realised that she was not in Charlie's room, the memories came racing her mind all so suddenly. She looked to her side and was met by the serenely asleep Harry.

Her cheeks reddened slightly, but she couldn't help but smile slightly.

How peaceful...

She couldn't wait to ruin it.

Lucia poked his cheeks continuously. Harry let out a small, yet coherent grunt at this and tried to wave her hand away. She merely continued.

"Stop it," grumble Harry, half asleep.

"Wake up and I'll stop," said Lucia.

"But it's still so early," said Harry, turning, his back facing her. She scoffed.

"It is not," Lucia continuously poke his cheeks. "I bet you that the others are already awake and already had their breakfast —"

Her words were short-lived as Harry turned to her with this particular gaze that made her heart skipped a beat, and Lucia took advantage of the moment and admire him while also trying to hide her smirk behind her hands; Harry was, no doubt, a hidden gem. She swore that only he could pull off wearing those glasses while also looking lush after only waking up from his sleep.

"You're gawking," he broke off her chain of thoughts, causing her cheeks to be ablazed as he smirked down on her.

Lucia pushed his head back delicately from the proximity they were in. "You're imagining it,"

"Rubbish," Harry cherished morning Lucia, for this was one of the rarest sights to behold. He felt his stomach churning just at the divine view in front of him. God, how has a simple kiss in school could become of this?

𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now