Silk Laurel

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W&M + W = (W+W)
"Like I told you 10 minutes ago. They are in YOUR SOCK DRAWER!!" I yelled for what seemed to be the 30th time from the kitchen to my husband who was currently testing my patience. Yet it seemed as if I was still just talking to myself.
"Come on Spencer I wanna get there before they clo"— I didn't even hear him come downstairs until I felt his strong arms wrap around my torso and his smooth cheek press up against mine.
"Why, am I always in trouble?" I smiled as he tucked my wavy brown and blonde hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek.
"I have no idea." I chuckled.
"Ready to go my love?" I nodded, kissed his pretty mouth and grabbed my cross bag as we headed out to the car. We were going to check out some of the new shops that opened up downtown and Spencer is definitely more excited than I am, but I'm open to seeing the progress.
He threw me the keys and I rolled my eyes with a smile as I caught them to open the driver's side door.
I decided we'd stop at a boba place first and then to a new pottery place so we could make each other cute mugs.
The boba place felt pretty bold but the drinks themselves were nice and fresh. When we first walked in I noticed the place smell how it looks—so very green.

We got our drinks and decided we'd come back to sit after we'd made our mugs. It was only a short walk through the small downtown area and we arrived at a charming shop with the door facing the green alley. There were even plants when we walked into the shop, greating us silently. There were a couple people throwing clay but I payed little attention to them and instead sought out the older woman sitting at the counter. I asked her about the pots where she directed us across the strangely spacious shop to the racks of already prepared pots, mugs, and boxes. All made from clay. Next to it were thick tables— the kind you used to see in science or art class— and chairs across from them for multiple people.
"Oh look!!" I heard him say excitedly and found him holding the tiniest little mug in his large hands. I couldn't help but laugh at his face as he put it on the table and pulled a tray of paints out for us with a few brushes.
He was way too excited, so excited that he even picked out the colors he wanted me to use for his mug.
I went along with it because he was having a good time but after a while of painting I decided to check out the rest of the shop from afar and I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye.
There was a doorway across the room, door slightly ajar. I could see into the small entrance from here as a woman worked on a small chair in front of a spinning slab. On the slab was clay that she was working with. At this point the, what I assumed was a teapot, was almost finished and brown eyes took close observation to make sure she had no cracks.
The damp sponge she'd held in her hands was put down and she took a string to free the pot loose from the round concrete slab.
I hadn't even realized, until I felt a sharp poke at my abdomen, that I'd been staring.
"What?!" I snapped and Spencer smirked.
"You're staring, darling." I gave him a look and continued to gawk while talking.
"I am not—I'm observing. There's a difference."
"Not when you you look like you haven't eaten in months and just saw a cheeseburger." I sucked my teeth at him and took my eyes off of the woman of interest.
"Just hand me that green so I can finish this thing." He had an amused look on his face but did as I asked and we continued to paint in peace until we had finished.
I got up when I was done and started to put my paints away when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. When I turned I was almost frozen in place by the woman I'd just been gawking at from the other room. She laughed beautifully and spoke.
"Excuse me? Sorry I didn't mean to scare you!"
Her caramel brown skin seemed to soak up the setting sun and I couldn't for the life of me take my eyes off of her beautiful mouth. Her smile was so perfect with the most perfectly short and straight teeth. Her canines were the longest—and her lips.
Oh my god her lips. Were they ever so perfect. Her top lip was pronounced by a Cupid's bow and hearted off. As if to fit her bottom beautifully, and that it did.
"Yes ?" My voice spoke out in a low tone as I tried to pull my eyes back up to her eyes.
"I just wanted to know if you'd be interested in a private lesson." She smiled delicately and lifted a finger to move a curly piece of strawberry blonde hair up into the rest of her messy bun.
"Private lessons..?"
"Uh yes"— she extended her hand that held a pamphlet and I took it, my hand accidentally brushing up against hers. Poor girl tinted red under her soft brown skin and I pretended not to see for her comfort.
"We're giving our private lessons out to people who want to learn about pottery and the history of ceramics. If you'd be interested to learn I'd be teaching the cl"—
"Yes!—I mean, that sounds like it would be a great time." I bit my lip to keep from saying anything stupid and watched as she grinned.
At that time she gave me the most heartwarming smile and I started to feel the gay panic until I felt strong hands around my waist again and Spencer's chin resting on my head.
"Ready to go darling?" He asked, clearly clueless and I smiled a little.
"Yes I was just getting information. She was just telling me about classes for pottery if you're interested. I know I'd be." I said the last part while looking at her and she looked taken aback for a split second before handing my husband pamphlet.
"Uhm yes we have private lessons for those interested. I'm just required to tell everyone that comes in." She fluttered on and I heard the rumble in his voice from behind when he said
"Oh honey I think you'd love that. You know I'm not really into pottery but if you'd like me to come I would." I pulled away to turn around and look at him. His smug look said that he knew the reason I wanted to go to those classes and winked at me.
"How about you finish up here and I'm gonna take all this with me and get us a table at the boba shop we went to earlier." He grinned and kissed me on my cheek beginning to collect our mugs at the table.
"You just come when you're ready, okay?" He grabbed my hand and kissed it and I'd never wanted to take him home so soon as I did in this moment.
"Ok." I replied back and smiled as I turned back to the woman.
"So, what did you say your name was?" I asked with the smile still playing on my face.
"Laurel. And you?" She no longer looked shocked but still had confusion and I could tell she wanted to ask me. But didn't. Instead she gave me another small smile and placed her hand in mine.
"You know what. How about I give you the full tour." She began to lead me into the room she'd been previously and all I could think about was how soft her hand was in mine. When we got into the room she closed the door.
"This would be your classroom." She said.
"Oh well by all means you should teach me a few things." I added flirtatiously and she seemed to have gotten the gist of our relationship as she sauntered slowly back over to me.
"As I'm sure, you could too." She came as close as close can be and I wrapped my hand around her waist pulling her closer. Her hands traveled to my face to pull back some of my hair and pull me in to kiss her gorgeous lips. And god did she feel like everything nice. Her mouth was like velvet against mine and as my hand traveled around her uncovered torso, down and under her long skirt—everything I found was as smooth as silk.

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