[1] the day I lost my memories (and met Keefe)

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Everything was such a blur. It was like a tornado blew through my head and carried all my thoughts away. It was cold and dark, I had no idea where I was, or what had just occurred. My main question was: who was I?

A person.


That's right, I'm an elf.

And my name is Y/n L/n.

Now I've figured out who I am, so I need to find out where I am and what's happening. The entire world around me was covered in darkness. My body felt numb so I couldn't move or cry out for help.

That's when I remembered...


I lived in the Forbidden Cities with the humans. But why?


My thoughts were cut off by a sudden warmth that wrapped around me. It was like a blanket had been tightly wrapped around me. A very soft blanket.

"C'mon, don't die now! Just hang on a bit longer!"

The voice rang throughout my head, overtaking all my thoughts. Was someone saving me? Was I... dying?

It became a lot harder to process my thoughts. I decided that my body has won the fight and went off into a deep sleep...


The numbness on my body wore off when I became conscious again. It was completely unknown to me how long I'd been asleep. All that matters is that I was alive. My fingers began twitching a bit. It felt good to have control over my body again, rather than it be a giant pile of cold mush.

I forced myself to open my eyes. Completely clueless about where I was, I had the urge to examine my surroundings. I had been saved.

Everything was bright. So bright that it burned my eyes a bit. Not to mention a little sparkly. There were a couple of framed photos with unfamiliar people hanging on the walls. I was laying in a bed covered in white blankets. Three other beds were in the room, empty and neatly made. The room smelled like cherry-flavored medicine. That's when I realized I was in a hospital. A really weird-looking one, that is.

I sat up and noticed a fuzzy ball of fluff was snoring on my lap. It looked like a ferret and was awfully adorable. I wanted to pick it up and hug it. But I didn't want to wake up the fuzzy creature, so I let it be.

"Ah, you're finally awake." A male voice said as he walked into the room.

He wore round glasses, had messy dark hair, and was wearing a bright-colored tunic with a bunch of tiny unicorns on them. Is he supposed to be a doctor? Or is this some type of joke? Doctors usually wore scrubs or their fancy white coats. Do I look like I'm 5 or something?

The strange-looking man approached me with several colored orbs circling around him. The orbs slowly made their way around me flashing brightly."You seem to be better already." He said then whispered under his breath, "amazing."

I tilted my head, hoping he would notice that I was very confused.

"Right, my apologies. My name is Elwin. I'm a physician at the Healing Center at Foxfire. You're very lucky Keefe found you when he did. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have been able to save you."

So Keefe is the name of the person who brought me here and saved me, noted.

Also, my theory was right. He was some type of doctor. I shook my head. It didn't matter how crazy he looked, all that mattered was that he saved my life.

"Do you remember what happened?" Elwin said, resting his chin on one of his hands.

I took a long moment to think. Still couldn't remember. "No."

"Do you remember anything?" he asked.

"Only my name, and that I'm an elf who lived in the Forbidden Cities."

Elwin waited for me to say more. It took me a moment to realize that he wanted to know what my name was.

"Oh, Y/n L/n is my name," I said quickly.

Elwin took a step forward. "Hmm. Very interesting. Well, before I forget, I want you to take a few elixirs. Your body is still a bit weak after the state you were in." He walked back to the other room and came back with three different bottles of stuff.

I was tempted to ask about how my condition was when I arrived, but I decided to wait. I don't know if I'd be able to handle the news of how I was right away.

Remember to ask Elwin what happened to me sometime other than now, noted.

Elwin first handed me a bottle filled with a bright yellow substance, "better you drink it quickly. It doesn't exactly taste good." He warned.

I put the bottle up to my nose to give it a little sniff. I held the bottle back and gagged. That had to be one of the worst-smelling things ever.

"Or smell good." Elwin chuckled as he added in that last part.

I took a deep breath before chugging the entire bottle. Surprisingly I was able to keep it down, despite the awful taste.

Taking the other two elixirs was just as bad. It was hard to determine which one tasted the worst. They were all disgusting. I felt nauseated just thinking that drinking those elixirs. Something I never want to go through again, that's for sure.

The Healing Center door slammed open. A strange non-elf-looking girl with bright pink pigtails and was very muscular stood there looking surprised.

"Yo Scrawny Boy, check this out. She's finally awake!" she waved her hand to signal the boy to come over.

He peeped his head through the doorway, he had messy blonde hair and ice-blue eyes. "Woah. I thought Elwin said it would take weeks for her to wake up," he whispered to the muscular girl with disbelief.

"I guess that means I won my bet!" she grinned.

The boy rolled his eyes and walked into the room.

"All hail Lord Hunkyhair!" he shouted with his arms up. 


Heey hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Hopefully i'll write more soon >:) and i hope i can capture everybody's personalities well. This is my first time actually writing something like this...and if you have suggestions for future chapters i'd love to hear your ideas. also wooh this chapter has over 1000 words :0 aajisajisajisjiadbsisadbwap

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