[2] my random new nickname (just call me Y/n!)

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 "All hail Lord Hunkyhair!" The boy shouted.

Elwin swiftly made his way back to the main room, "Keefe keep it down. And I never said visitors were allowed, yet."

Keefe? So the boy who just ran in here and shouted like an idiot is that was who rescued me?! Seems pretty unbelievable to me. Although he looked a bit– my thoughts got cut off from the strange girl.

"Don't get too excited. Remember, I won the bet so once I've decided on your punishment, your smile will be wiped from your tiny elf face."

Keefe rolled his eyes, "whatever, Ro. All that really matters is that she's awake so that she can admire my good looks." he looked at me with a smug grin.

My face heated up. It was impossible to not blush. I looked down at the ferret creature on my lap, hoping Keefe didn't notice my face suddenly go red.

Elwin sighed as Ro placed a hand on his shoulder, "if it makes you feel better this wasn't our first time sneaking in."

"I should've known that it's impossible to keep Keefe away from this place." Elwin chuckled.

Keefe turned his head towards Elwin, "what do you mean? I don't purposely get hurt to come here! Ohh, but I should've, that way I could have stayed by..." Keefe realized he didn't know my name, "Pepper." he decided.

"I have a name you know..." I muttered.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Elwin asked Keefe.

He nodded, "but it was soooooo boring, so I decided to ditch and see how Pepper was doing."

"Y/n" I looked at him.

"Pepper, Y/n, same thing?"

I sighed.

"So, Pepper. What happened to you? You were in pretty bad shape when I found you." Keefe asked.

"I forgot." 

"You forgot?!" Ro added when Keefe's eyes widened the slightest bit.

I nod, "I wish I could remember, but I can't. I'm thankful that I at least remember my name–which is not Pepper–and I remember where I lived."

Keefe was about to ask where I lived, but Elwin responded first, "she said she's from the Forbidden Cities, despite the fact she's an elf."

"Oooh, I see! So we just need to solve the mystery of Pepper's Missing Memories." Keefe clapped his hands together.

"I don't think–" before I could finish I got interrupted.

"Just have Blondie probe your mind. I'm sure she'll be able to find those lost memories." Ro suggested.

"Blondie...? Do you guys seriously nickname everyone?" I sighed.

"Yep." Keefe and Ro said in sync.

That's the moment I realized Keefe would probably never drop the name Pepper for me. I have no idea why he gave me that name and how it even relates to me. It's so random.

"That's actually a good idea. Sophie's telepathic powers are incredible. I'm sure she'd be able to find your lost memories." Elwin said.

"Cool, then should I go get Sophie right now? I'm sure she'd thank me for getting her out of class." Keefe said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Let's wait until tomorrow. Y/n is still recovering." Elwin began to walk back into the other room.

"Uuuuuugh so much waiting! Can you at least let Pepper out of bed? I'm sure she's dying to get out and stretch her legs. And then I could show her around Foxfire." Keefe asked.

"Hmm." Elwin stepped back into the main room. He took a moment to make his decision. "I suppose. But, only if Y/n is fine with it. Also, stay in Foxfire. If I find out you went off somewhere else, then be ready for an extra special elixir. And I'm pretty sure you don't want to know what'll do."

Keefe nodded, "don't worry we won't go too far." He winked, "I'll take good care of Pepper while we're gone."

Keefe stretched out his arm for me to grip his hand, "let's go."

I sighed, "you didn't even ask if I was okay with walking around."

Keefe placed his hand on my shoulder. It was warm. The same warmth I felt when he rescued me.

"Yeah, you're itching to get out of bed." he moved his hand down to grab mine and pulled me out of bed.

My legs were a bit wobbly. I don't remember the last time I walked, or how long I've been out. Keefe tried to offer me his hand again but I insisted I could walk on my own. Which I could. It just took me a moment to get used to walking again. And once I got used to that, I followed Keefe and Ro out of the Healing Center.

Foxfire was big. Really big. The halls felt like they went on forever. And the building looked like it was constructed from crystals. Very sparkly. I knew I was an elf and this is the world I belonged in, but I still wonder why I was in the Forbidden Cities. I doubt I would have just decided to live there for no reason.

My mind trailed back to when Keefe placed his hand on my shoulder. He knew that I wanted to get out and walk around, "earlier did you read my mind or something? How did you know I wanted to leave?" I asked.

Keefe looked back at me with a grin, "I'm an Empath. Just by touching someone, I can read their emotions." he touched my shoulder again, "why are you anxious? You're standing next to me! Lord Hunkyhair! You should feel honored!"

"Whether I'm next to you or not, it doesn't change the fact that I woke up with no memory. I have no idea what's going to happen. What if I have a family? They could be worried sick or worse!"

"I'm not an Empath, but I can really feel the nerves." Ro pointed out.

Keefe's voice got more serious, "don't worry Y/n. I'll help you regain your memories. I promise."

I blushed when he actually used my name, "thanks."

For the next few minutes, it was silent. For not knowing Keefe long, the silence was so unlike him. He's the type of person to make sure things never get quiet.

Left. Right. Left. Left. Right. Right. I tried keeping track of which direction we were going in, but ended up forgetting. This place was like a maze. And empty. Everyone was in their classes right now. I was worried Keefe would end up getting lost in this massive school, then Elwin would scold him for being gone for too long.

After I got my tour around Foxfire, which felt like hours. We finally made it back to the Healing Center. I walked back in and plopped down onto the bed. The little ferret creature was no longer sleeping and was hanging out on Elwin's shoulder while he was making some elixirs in the other room.

"You're tired already?!" Keefe exclaimed when I sat down, breathless.

"Yeah, I don't have all my strength back yet." I laid back and let my head sink into a fluffy pillow.

"Okay. I guess Ro and I will leave you to rest. Be prepared for tomorrow! I'm sure Foster will be able to regain some memories." Keefe grinned.

Foster. Sophie. Blondie. Just use one name, it makes it less complicated.

I waved to Keefe and Ro as they left the Healing Center for the day.

Elwin walked back into the room holding a bottle filled with a dark blue substance, "I want you to take this before you fall asleep. This will be the last one you'll have to take, I promise."

I groaned. Without hesitation, I grabbed the bottle and chugged the medicine down just to get it over with. I gagged after finishing it, luckily nothing came up.

Elwin took the bottle back, "rest well." he said as he walked back into the other room.


TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAYYY YEAAH!! Im super motivated to write rn xD tho i have a feeling my motivation is slllooooowwwly going to drain, even so, imgoing to try and force myself to keep writing for u guys ;)

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