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~Narrator pov~
Cole woke up to see kai was gone and his dairy open on his bed he allmost had a panic attack but he calmed himself down and seen kai had only read his middle school section and nothing recent . Cole took his dairy and put it in his closet somewhere super hiden . It was around 10:05 pm . He wanted some fresh air but it was raining so he put on a jacket  and pulled up his hood , and headed to ninjago city . As he walked all he could think about was kai . Kai was his only thought his smile made cole blush . But on the inside he was jealous skylor had someone as perfect as kai  ,Cole was so lost in his thoughts , he was right infront of chens doodle house . He saw Skylor and kai flirting !

~Cole pov~
I saw skylor and kai flirting in chens doodle house i got so jealous and heartbroken . I ran as far as my legs could take i wanted to be out of there soon i ran all the way to the park .. i sat down by a tree soon tears started forming in my eyes i started mumbling words about myself parts of myself i hate most and named reasons why kai would never date me . My tears mixed up with rain i cried for a while i told myself that it was fine and i didnt trully need kai but those were lies . I needed kai hes the only one that makes me feel trully special . I needed to get out the rain and get back home before kai and "skylor" do .  while running threw the rain it felt fun and relaxing  it calmed me down a bit and in no time at all i was back home and Only a little wet .. I went to my room to change i opened my drawer to see the razor kai had put in the drawer .. i wanted to pick it up and use it to make cuts on arm but i had to resit well atleast for kai ......... 

~~~~Time skip~~~~

It was Morning time . I woke up to feel like someone was in my room . I got up of my bed to see kai in my bathroom but what was he doing in there . "Kai" i said . Kai looked at me with Suprised look then he finally said "morning dirt boy your finally up". Usually if it was Jay i would make an nickname and make a comeback but i just replied with a simple "Morning Hot head" .Kai looked disapointed in my response so i asked him "how was your date withs skylor". He told me something  i didnt expect from skylor at all He told me Sklyor said " Kai this isnt gonna work out plus we never see each other alot this isnt gonna work out i wanna do things not get stuck in ninjago not expanding at all good bye kai ". I wanted to scream in exititement cause i had chance with kai but the only thing was kai was straight oh bummer.

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