Cole ?!

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This AU is where cole is shorter than kai and cole is a  bottom cause yes and Please dont hate on me for my gramar and AU choice now let the story start.

It was a windy night and Cole the Earth Ninja was writing in his diary he has since middle school he wrote "why couldnt i be a better i love him way more than skylor its not fair no one will love a gay fag like me i get it she is pretty im a nobody..." *Cole went to the bathroom and picked up his razor and started to cut his arm and stomach but he heard someone coming , he hid his diary and tried hiding the razor but kai came in so he put on a long sleeve shirt and but the razor behing is back.*

Uh hey cole jay told be to check on you , you havent been yourself latley. He-ey Kai im fine just tired thats all said the earth ninja Kai knowing he was lying. Kai asked are you hiding something . Cole was sweating ,Kai looked at cole arms behind his back and grabbed him arm the razor fell out his hands . Kai took a look at the razor then rolled down Coles sleeve he saw the fresh cuts he looked at Cole , he was in tears .

Cole why would you do this to yourself . Cole had no respinse just tears of shame .Kai finally said i will make you happy ill take as long it takes buddy...

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