005. "the sky is blue, there is a breeze from the sea"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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August slipped away like a bottle of wine,

'Cause you were never mine


          WAKING UP THE FOLLOWING MORNING was extremely dreadful for Lucia as she got herself ready for the very first day of school

Though she loved Hogwarts — kind of — she mostly enjoyed the homey part of the school, not the literal school itself where she would have to put efforts in her academics. But, she thought, at least the weather seems pretty fitting for the first day of school.

The storm from last night finally blow itself out.

Both a bummer and a yay, she guessed.

If they so happen to have Herbology today, she rather go there when there's no storm in sight.

Tying the last knot of her scarlet bow after having it fasten around her hair that she'd pulled into a ponytail, Lucia looked at her reflection in boredom, shoulders slump, sulking of the fact that she now must work the gears in her brain after a few months of break.

"Another year, here we go..."

She was already dreading how this year will pass.

While eating breakfast, something caught her attention suddenly. The bewitched sky ceiling above her was gloomy; heavy clouds and pewter grey swirled overhead, as if warning them about the unsure weather they have. But she shrugged, couldn't care less about it anymore as she ladled porridge into her bowl and sprinkled some bacon bits on top of it aimlessly when out of nowhere, she felt a presence beside her.

She glanced up in confusion, thinking it would be Neville, but that couldn't be the case since she was certain she had just seen him sitting with Seamus and Dean not long ago and the end of the long House table. "Nev —"

"Morning, Lucia,"

Lucia's eyes widened as her eyes locked with ones of ethereal emeralds.

Merlin saggy ballsacks...

"H-Harry! Morning to you too!" she said quickly, smiling. Deep within, she was panicking. Not only was Harry sitting beside her, but Ron and Hermione too had slip into the seats across from her. This never happened before. What the hell was going on?

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now