chapter thirty-five

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The next day...

"Your Highness," the guard acknowledge me, bowing down, before pushing the massive stone door that led to my office.

I strolled inside finding Cedoric sitting at his usual spot in the lounge, the little back chair. He didn't notice my presence yet, too focused on the book between his calloused hands.

"Hey," I said as I lowered myself into a chair across from him, raising my feet on the stone table separating us. He looked up at me, giving a nod before closing his book and tucking it away into his bag.

"Hey," he replied, his dark green eyes staring right back at me.

"Why are you here? Missed me too much?" I smirked, raising my hand to signal the maid. She nodded and left the room followed by the two guards.

He chuckled for a bit before a serious expression took over his features "Myla's worried,"

"She's scared," he added as I raised a brow.

"Says it's not safe here," he added and I stayed silent. "People are talking, you know,"

"About what?" I asked, leaning forward in my seat.

"Talking about what the King is doing, what you are doing," he mumbled the last part and I leaned back, releasing a frustrated sigh.

"Don't fucking say it like it's my idea,"

He chuckled as he smoothed the edge of his coat.

"We're thinking of leaving the day after tomorrow," I nodded slowly.

"Why? I could send guards to your house,"

"That won't be enough to make her feel safe... with the baby and everything," he added the last part with hesitation and my eyes narrowed on his grin.

"You got her pregnant?"

"Don't say it like it's a bad thing, this is what we both wanted," he said chuckling, "you'll understand one day when you find your girl."

My mind went straight back to Emriana.

"You have?" My eyes snapped to his. He started laughing and I glared at him.

"What the fuck are you laughing?" I swear that fucker's smile almost reached his eyes.

"I need to meet the girl who did the impossible, make you commit," he started laughing right afterward.

"What's her name?" He asked leaning forward and I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you need her name?" I replied with an inquisitive tone.

"Relax Drakkar, I'm not going to steal her from you," I glared at him deadly for even suggesting it.

"When can I meet her?" He said with a clap of hand.

"I don't know, I'll have to ask Zander and Zeke," his brows furrowed.

"Why do you need to ask— wait, are you like... all with her?"

"Mmh," I answered with my lips pressed into a tight line.

"Wow, fuck! Now I need to meet her! This girl must have some magical tits or som—

"Don't fucking talk about her like that!" I stood up aggressively and he raised both hands.

"Hey man, don't get so pissy with me, you're anything but a saint yourself," he laughed before his eyes moved away from me and he looked around a bit. A small moment of silence between the both of us. His gaze was on the large window behind the desk.

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