Chapter 1: The First Day

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(POV: Ink)

Beep Beep Beep my alarm sang, I put my hand out to silence it then I remember that it was the first day for school, I opened my eyes not wanting to go through a second year of Highschool and while I was thinking that, I walked out of my room and into the hall when Blue ran past me almost hitting my face while saying "Good morning Ink!" I yawned and walked out to the Kitchen. "morning Blue, morning Dream" I called to both of them while setting myself onto a seat

I stretched and got on my phone, it was still 30 minutes until School started so I grabbed some cereal and pour just the right amount of milk and started eating it until Dream ran down the hall to wake up our hallmates "WE HAVE 25 MINUTES UNTIL SCHOOL!" he shouted and you could hear all the grunting from here. "I wish school never existed" Fell yawned while walking out of his room shorty followed by 2 other people

I completely understood his statement, I finished my bowl of cereal and headed back to my room to grab my stuff, I saw that I left my notebook opened so I closed it and put it in my bag for later. with 20 minutes on the clock before school started, I started heading out and saw Error so I decided to join him on the walk to school "so, how's life treatin ya?" I asked with a sorta blank expression "alRighT I gUes$" he told me but I did notice something, he wasn't glitching as much maybe he learned how to control it or maybe he got some medication for it either way he was better

while me and Error walked the rest of way in silence I started hearing people yelling and running up to me and him "OMG YOU WHERE REALLY *inhale* JUST GONNA LEAVE US BEHIND" Blue and Dream gasped, "Uh maybe, uh bye Error" I said while slowly parting ways with him "Bye sHortY" he said while giggling to himself, 'I'm not short" I thought to myself, we hurried to school not wanting to be late. I saw Error walk up to his friend group 'he must really like them' I thought before slipping into my thoughts completely, my friends must've notice cause off of a sudden I get thrown out of my thoughts and I'm walking surprised I didn't fall over already

We walking into class and there where only two seats open, the first one is next to Error, the second one next to someone who has a record of being rude to people for no reason so I chose the only reasonable option, I walked towards Error and sat down next to him pulling out my notebook that grabbed before putting my backpack in locker. I stared drawing then soon after the bell rang and everyone stopped talking but like the back of the class "As you all may know school started and since I don't like being a teacher and all you students wouldn't listen to me, you all get a to talk and get new friends, but first we will have assigned seating so everyone stand up" everyone started standing up and I hoped to be siting next to someone who I knew

"Nightmare, you will be sitting at Emma's seat, Emma you will sit at Nightmares spot" while the teacher was moving people I was scared I wouldn't be next to someone I knew then my name was called "Ink you and Dust will be switching spots" while I stared walking towards where Dust was sitting before I looked to who was sitting next to me 'YES SOMEONE I KNOW' I was so happy, well as happy as a soulless being can get. I sat down and started drawing again when the person I was sitting next to me said something "The fUcK yOu DrAw1ng sH0rtY"

"one, I don't really know what I'm drawing, Two, I just like drawing" I retorted while still looking down at my notebook page "wHat Ever 1t !s, It's DuMb" he replied pulling out his phone, I just sighed still drawing, good thing the teacher doesn't care today so its a free hour basically. after like 2 minutes I stopped drawing and look around to see if Dream or Blue had the same class as him, when all of a sudden he felt someone touch my shoulders and yell "BOO!" I jumped into the air processing what just happened when everyone started laughing at me. I stayed in the air for like a few seconds longer before deciding it was safe to come down again, I slowly lowered myself back into my seat struggling to keep myself afloat before I was in my seat

(POV: Error)

I laughed as I saw the Stupid dork fly into the air after Blue scared him, He looked so stupid but I'm surprised that he could keep himself floating in the air for that long. Must've learned how to use his magic, I looked at his shaken face and just laughed to myself he looked so dumb when he was scared, his face explodes into a rainbow mess when like anything happens. His face looks like a Skittle bag it was just so funny to see him fly into the air after a little scare, I went back onto my phone and texted the gang who wasn't in my class what just happened and I had to silence my phone I looked over to see that idiot start drawing again, wait was he drawing me? I felt my face blush up a bit then went back to my phone to which was still getting spammed, I sighed not knowing what in the actual heck to do so I looked at the clock. 5 minutes until the end

The bell rang and everyone started walking out of their classes and I walked towards my locker and forgot it was close to Inks, I started to hate him more and more I never wanted to see his stupid face. I started walking towards my next thank Asgore I didn't share it with that soulless freak, "Cr0ss, I h3arD thAt DrEaM l1keS y0u" I lied to get his hopes up "Wait really?" he was surprised "ye33eeaaaaaaah sur3 he t0tally l!kes yOu" I joked with him, he looked at me and slapped me "0h it$ wAr n0w!" I told him "s0 you b3ttEr wAtcH beHinD yOu caUsE I'vE g0tt3n betTer aT u$ing m4giC" We share the class this hour which was the worse of them, Math, I wish math never existed I just sat at the back of the back of the room on my phone not paying attention at the teacher. but when the math teacher was handing out a sheet to work on I put my phone away so it wouldn't get taken away.

~Time Skip cause my LaZy~

I met up with the gang on the field for launch "w3 sh0ulD sk!p tHe neXt cLasS, n0 one aDvIsoRy" I said "We should!" Dust responded first "wait where would we be?" Killer asked "liKe 0n th3 fieLd Or b4thr0oMs" I replied, "What if we went to a store or maybe the mall?" Cross suggested while texting dream the plan in secret. "I can't really skip advisory " Horror muttered "Oh Really why is that?" Nightmare and the gang interrogated Horror, "I-I-I I uh, I have to t-t-tutor s-s-someone" Horror stuttered "You sure it isn't a date Lust" Dust teased "I'ITS NOT A D-DATE!" Horror yelled while getting out of Nightmare's grasped and ran to a the doors to study hall, "wait so where are we going to skip class at?" Cross asked again "N!ghTm4rE haVe a Rec0mm3ndat!on?" I said "Lets go to the mall, it would be wayyy better than school" Cross quickly texted dream that


So this is a story i have been thinking about for a while and I finally got to write about it so dont expect updates everyday so uh idk what else to say here so bye ig

Word Count: 1345

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