Chapter 3: Skipping Classes

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(POV: Ink)

We walked away from the school grounds and towards the mall and at that moment a car pulled up to us "Hey I lost my dog, can you help?" the person asked "don't listen to them" I whispered to Dream and Blue "why?" Blue whispered back, I face palmed and just said "Sorry we can't you, I'm allergic to dogs same with my friends" the look on that person face was humorous "uhhh I got cigarettes" the person looked at us "We don't smoke sir, so we'll be on our way. Hope you find your dog" I replied.

We walked away from the car and continued our journey to the mall "wait are you actually allergic to dogs!?" Blue asked "No, I just said that so that person would leave us alone" I replied "Oh" Blue looked happy. "so where's  Cross?" I asked Dream "I'm not sure, I'll text him" as Dream said that he pulled out his phone and texted Cross "He says he's at the Mirror Maze" Dream told me "Alright lets go!" Blue exclaimed

we walked over towards the Mirror Maze and saw Cross with the gang, he looked at us and waved which Error caused to see who Cross waved to, his face turned a slight yellow and he looked away 'kinda weird' I told myself while I looked over at the black void that is Nightmare; comforting Killer for something.

"Why, what happened?" I asked someone "He ran into a mirror or some shit" Dust replied still looking at his phone "Oh" I said not really phased, I walked over towards Error and sat down near him, he was making a doll of some sort "Whatcha making???" I asked him "soMetH!ng" he replied to me. I pulled out my sketch book and started to finish my drawing of Error that I made in class, Error took a quick glance and started working on his doll thing again

Nightmare stopped looking at Killer and just said "Lets go somewhere else" "maYbe we c0uld g3t somE foOd" Error grumbled while still working on his doll thingy "That's a good idea" Dream said "Then lets go" Cross chirped while jumping off of his seat, Blue started running towards the food court "WAIT UP" I called while shortly following Blue with Dust on my tail.

Error got up and started walking with Cross and Nightmare; Nightmare was carrying Killer with his tentacles, Me, Blue, and Dust all reached the food court and pushed 2 tables together to fit all of us at one. When the rest of them caught out we all started picking our food, I chose Red Panda(its Panda express but in this story), Blue chose like a sandwich from Sunbucks (Starbucks), Dream chose nothing, Cross just got Chocolate, Nightmare got ice cream but he didn't eat it, Dust got steak,  Error got nothing too, and then Killer had the ice cream Nightmare didn't eat.

After we ate we started walking towards some shops, I ran up to a art store looking for art supplies I didn't own yet; Dream followed me into the store and just looked at some markers like the school markers. Error walking into some emo store, maybe hot topic or box lunch.

Nightmare and Killer just kept talking, after I got done buying like 2 Copic markers (cause they are so expensive) I walked out of the store and sat near where Nightmare and Killer are talking "So why did you run into a mirror?" I asked Killer. He looked at me and then looked back at Nightmare and kept talking, I pulled out my phone after killer ignored me and looked at my Undernet account.

Word count: 660

Okay so I got writers block so that why I didn't update my stories at all and stuff, be patient as I work with these chapters and stuff anyways sorry for such a short chapter and shit

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