Chapter 4: After the commotion

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(POV: Error)

I walked around and found myself into a Hot Topic, I walked over towards the clothing area of the store and found a nice collared shirt; I picked it up and started looking for pants that would match it, after searching for about 2 minutes I found a nice pair of black ripped jeans hat had a place to put a chain. I looked for a chain and found one that would fit the jeans, I walked over towards the cash register after looking at the pins and picking up a pin that read 'I like Balls' and payed 70G; I handed the gold over and went on with my day. I walked towards the rest of the group and just talked of a while

"So when are we heading back to school?" Dream asked Nightmare "When ever we want bitch" he replied 'glad I don't have a twin' I told myself while siting down and placing the pin I bought on my school backpack "Weird pin" Dust commented "ShUt uP" I told him "Say can't you get your glitching fixed?" Ink asked, I just started at him with a look of 'I don't fucking care' we started walking towards the exit when were done talking "Welp see you guys tomorrow" Killer called getting out of Nightmares grip "welp that better be our calling to head back to are living space, Dream, Ink you comin?" Blue asked walking "Yeah hold on" Ink said while putting what I presume is his phone in his pocket "I'm gOnnA l3ave, See y4" I called walking away from everyone

once I left I started heading towards my house, I walked in and my brother was in the living room "Why are you back yearly?" He asked "c4usE I skIpp3d" I told him walking towards my room and setting my stuff down. I went onto my phone and saw all the notifications "fucKinG b!tch3s" I told myself when I checked Undernet "57 fuCking noTifacati0ns frOm stuPid fUckiNg BitchEs" I said kinda mad cause I was getting spammed "I'm jUst gOnnA del3tE thIs fuCkinG apP" I grunted with annoyance as I uninstalled the app. "go0d rEddeNs" I chirped, I hopped on my bed and just looked at my bare ceiling whist sighing, 'I wish I could kill someone, I mean it couldn't be that bad could it?' I asked myself. whist on that note I got off of my bed and sat at my desk and went on my laptop; I saw that I still had Undernet on my laptop so I made a post about leaving the app and all that dumb shit and deleted it.

I went on my browser and pirated some movie to watch, I walked out of my room and into the kitchen to make some microwave popcorn; I waited like 2 minutes before dumping the unpopped kernels into the trash. I walked back into my room with the popcorn and watched the movie

(POV: Ink)

I put my phone in my pocket and caught up with Blue and Dream "So what are we going to do? Cause we skipped like 2 hours of school so it would be useless to be there for last period" Dream asked "we could go to a park" I suggested "What about a skate park!" Blue exclaimed "We would have to head home to get out stuff but I'm fine with the skate park" I said "sounds good to me" Dream added. we walked back to our living space and I got out my skate board, the underside of the skateboard had be scraped from months of use on railings; but besides the scratches it was a nice design that I made myself.

I picked it up and headed out of my room waiting for my friends to get their stuff "Oh almost forgot my gear" I said out loud dashing down the hall to my room, "did you forget your gear again" Dream said while I ran past him, I grabbed my knee pads and elbow pads and ran down the hall again to reach the front door. we walked out and headed towards the skate park ready to have fun

Word Count: 732


sorry for another short chapter I didn't really have any ideas also if you want to see other peoples POVs let me know cause so far I've only done Ink and Error lol

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