Chapter Three

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*sorry for a long wait, guys. this is also gonna to be a short chapter.*

When the campers finally woke after the sun touched their eyes, they head back to camp to do normal activities. Along the way, Nikki is concerned about the wolf curse, however, she did know it only happens at night. 

"Nikki?" Max asked, which stopped Nikki from thinking, "are you OK?"

Nikki turned around and saw his teal eyes, which made her think about how Max is cute. "Nikki, are you OK?" Max asked again. Nikki didn't listen for a moment. "NIKKI!!" Max cried, which stopped her again from thinking.

"Oh, I'm fine," she said with a bit of blush across her face. Max looks concerned. "Nikki, is there something wrong or...?" Max asked. "No, I'm OK, I promised," Nikki replied. Max gave her a confused eyebrow look and said, "Doesn't look OK to me." Nikki gulped. "Oh, I just got a weird dream," Nikki lied, "I don't want to tell you it." Max gave her a weak smile. "Good enough," he said.

The two stopped talking to each other and made it to the camp.

*see, told you it will be short.*


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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