Reunion Part 1 (Season 1)

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Lennox: So let me see if I got this right. A woman in-

(y/n): A weird club performer's outfit.

Lennox: Yeah. And before Bee saved you, she had six people surrounding you ready to attack you. 

(y/n): Yeah.

Lennox: She also knew your name, and said that she had information that you "may" need?

(y/n): Exactly.

Lennox: Anything else?

(y/n): Yeah actually. None of them seemed surprised when Bee showed up. They didn't even seem to scared to fight him either.

Lennox: *sigh* That place is weird. Okay, I'm gonna send this to Morshower. I'm also gonna see if I can get a little extra security over there for a little bit. Maybe even a couple energon detectors. We can't exactly afford to take a chance on her bluffing knowing all the crap that's gone down over there before. Anything else?

(y/n): Nope, that's it.

Lennox: Alright then, I'll start turning this stuff in, see you later.

(y/n): See ya.

I close my computer, and go lay down on my bed. Staring up at the ceiling, I can't help but think.

(y/n): I wonder if this is how these kinds of situations started for the club whenever they happened. 

I fall asleep while thinking. 

*2 Days Later*

Another day, another day in college. Another day of me not understanding a word of what my professor has said to me. Another day of me worrying about the information Fausta is hiding from me. And now-

(y/n): Ya know what Bee? Screw Fausta and the information today. Let's go on a break. At least one day. 

Bumblebee: Good call.

"The only problem is that I don't exactly know where to go in this city to at least have a little fun for an afternoon." 

It's then that my phone starts ringing. I pick it up to see who's calling.

(y/n): Oh, its Epps. *presses accept* Yo, waddup?

Epps: Yo man, where you at?

(y/n): Sittin outside University right now. I just got out of class. 

Epps: Alright, let's meet up real quick.

(y/n): Alright be-wait. What do you mean?

Epps: Lets meet up? What hard to understand about that?

(y/n): No your smart a- I mean, how are we gonna meet up? Your in the UK, I'm here in Japan.

Epps: Oh, you ain't been told? A mini base got setup in Misaki after what you told Lennox a couple days back. 

(y/n): Really, in a couple days?

Epps: They sent over enough to set up enough for the definition of a mini base. Believe me, this place really is small. 

(y/n): Huh. Any Autobots?

Epps: Ironhide, that's it. They not gonna send over the whole team unless they gotta expand into one of our normal size operational bases. Now enough about all that man, where you tryin to go?

(y/n): Alright, I think that there's a place downtown we can grab something to eat and talk. Meet me there.

Epps: Aight.

*10 Mintues Later*

Bumblebee and I arrive at the restaurant. I get out and start looking around.

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