Part 39: The Letter

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(Y/n and Five are in Five's room and at is desk)

Five: how are we supposed to write a letter to them and make it sound convincing?  

Y/n: Keep it simple, say we have your briefcase and to get it back we need to talk to your superior.

Five: You think it'll be that easy?

Y/n: No but it's better than over complicated it. If they do they might get suspicious.

Five: Fair, but what are we going to use to make it look like the briefcase?

Y/n: Do you remember how many briefcases Dad used to have? I'm sure he has at least one that looks like their briefcase. 

Five: You think?

Y/n: Yeah, and it only has to look similar from a distance to give us enough time.

Five: Okay (he says nervously) Do you think this is going to work?

Y/n: Maybe but it's worth a shot if it means saving the world. If it means saving our family, we have to at least try. (After a moment of silence Y/n speaks) I'll go search for a briefcase, you right the letter. 

(Five nodded and Y/n kissed him on the forehead before leaving the room, After entering her dad's old room she went to the to his closet with a seperate closet for his briefcase)

Y/n: How many Briefcases does one crazy old man need? (She remembered him barely leaving the house as a kid. But she search them until she found one that looked identical to what a briefcase looks like before going back up to meet five)

Y/n: Done?

Five: Yep, you?

Y/n: Yeah (she shows him the briefcase) 

Five: Wow, that looks exactly like their briefcases.

Y/n: Yeah but it doesn't travel through the space time continuum 

Five: Fair enough

Y/n: What about the letter? (Five hands it to her)

(The Letter:)

        Hazel and Cha-Cha,

                  We have your briefcase. To insure it's returned, meet us in the middle of Asher road at 3:00 Today. In return we request to speak to your superior. If these conditions are not met your briefcase will be crushed. You come alone and we will to along with one of our brothers to insure fair bounds and that you don't try anything. 


                Team 13

(Team 13 is what everyone at the commision called Y/n and Five because 5+8=13)

Y/n: Perfect. Let's so deliver it.

(Y/n drives to the Motel were Hazel and cha-cha are staying at)

Five: What are we supposed to do, slide it under the door?

Y/n: No, we give it to the door man and ask him to deliver it to their room

Five: How do we know what room their in?

Y/n: I asked both Klaus and Diego, both said room 23... Keep the car running, I'll be back in a minute.

(In the Lobby)

???: Hello can I help you?

Y/n: Yes can you deliver this to a room for me? (handing him the letter in an envolope)

???: Yeah sure what room?

Y/n: 23 please.

??: Okay, I'll drop it off now.

(Y/n Thanked him and went back to the car)

Y/n: That wasn't that hard.

Five: What's next?

Y/n: We go back and get Luther, go the meeting spot and then ... we wait. 

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