Part 64: Destraction

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Handler: Blaze, Five, I've been waiting for you.

(Y/n and Five enter the hotel room and both look to find Agnes the doughnut lady tied to a chair) 

Five: You must really like doughnuts.

Y/n: Or just for kidnapping people 

Agnes: (Muffled behind a gag placed in her mouth) Help me!

Handler: It's been a while.

Y/n: Not long enough

Five:  Three days.

Handler: For you both, maybe. But for me, it's been a lot longer since I've seen
those adorable little shorts. (Y/n glares at her for that comment) And that fierce fire in you Blaze, although it seems to be more than fire now.

Y/n:  Well, it looks like you've had time to heal. So would you rather me freeze you or set you on fire?

Handler: Luckily, for all of us, time... is the one thing my organization has an abundance of.

Y/n: That doesn't answer my question

Five: we got your message, by the way. Nice packaging, but so much for Commission protocol.

Handler:  There have been... a lot of changes since you left the Commission. You really did some damage. The briefcases were all but destroyed, to say nothing of the... highly trained personnel you killed. After all,  what is an institution if not for...

Y/n: Enough! 

Five: What do you want?

Handler: To be happy. To have a simple... unfettered life, the work my superiors require.

Y/n: (mumbles) Sounds boring

Handler: But... your being here, well, it complicates all that.

Y/n: Billions of people are about to die tonight.

Five: You can change that.

Handler:Tonight, tomorrow. So little difference in the scheme of things.

Y/n: Or you could just stop it in general. 

Handler: Don't you remember the Commission's raison d'être? What's meant to be is meant to be, or, as I like to say, que será, será.

Five: It's bullshit in any language. Why did you call us here?

Hander: I wanna offer you a choice. Everyone's going to die tonight, but... unlike the rest of the world, you have a way out. You can abandon your family and skip ahead to the apocalypse, take a walkabout for a few decades, wondering if I'll come back and offer you a job again, or you can stay here,with your family, and... die a horrible death.  While you weigh your options, just know your siblings are fighting for their lives without you.

Y/n: Your just creating a distraction 

Five: You brought us here to pull us away.

Handler:  It's been nice knowing you both. Cheers!

(Five grabs Y/n's hand and they jump to the Icarus Theatre) 

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