Chapter 1... February 27th

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I've been planning a trip for myself, I've been waiting for years to do it and now is my time. I've been seeing people traveling to Dublin, Ireland and it looks so beautiful and stunning there, so I paid for my ticket to go I'm going March 1st to 20th I spoiled myself and I'm happy as ever so I see picture of an actor on Instagram and he looks so sexy and handsome, so I started following him and I searched him up he's from Dublin, Ireland so I had to go watch a movie with him in it called Eternals, I was falling in love with him so hardcore,his act-sent was so hot I've been following fans of his posting about him so I can see things they post about. So 2 days left in the states so I spent it with my family and we had a wonderful time together before I went to Ireland for my trip. So now it's the 28th of February I just started packing everything I needed to go so I called my cousins to come over and helped me pack so we jammed out to music and laughing so hard at another and we got me all packed made sure I had everything and I did so. The day come, my whole family came to see me off, I've gave them all hugs and kisses before I left and I said all my good byes and I went to security and I went to my gate which was gate 5 and the flight was on time already at gate 5 so sat down and looked on Instagram and TikTok and Facebook see what my family posted and I like and commented back to all of them so I went to Starbucks got a pink drink and also got a blueberry muffin and went back to my gate and sat and more people we're coming in so I sat down an this really cute guy asked me is this flight to Dublin, Ireland I said it is he said its my first time flying by myself, I said same he so we talked the whole time then we heard "gate 5 to Dublin, Ireland is now bordering" we got up to get on the flight. And our  seats we're right next to ether an we're the only sitting here, so then we talked the whole time till take off, in the air, till landing in Dublin, Ireland so got off the plane and said it's my first time here so he said I have someone you should meet so I asked what hotel are you staying he said The Westbury I said I'm staying there as we'll so that's perfect lol! So as I called for a cap outside the airport the man said I'll drive you there my driver is on his way to here so, I walked my pretty self over to him. I asked him about what he does him said he work for a famous celebrity, my dark haired dumbo said who in a loud voice, the man said you'll have to wait in see he will be in the suv. You can ask him yourself, as the suv drive's up the driver parks right in front of us so the driver came out take are bags, I get on the right side the man gets on the left to get in the back of the suv.

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