Chapter 4... Meeting My Boyfriend

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So the day has come for me to go home, I asked Cody I bought two plane tickets back to Pennsylvania From Dublin. So Cody said yeah I want to meet your family. I said they are fantastic , so we packed up and headed to the SUV to the airport in Dublin. As we headed out the room door to the elevator I run into Barry, I said Hi! Barry said where are you going. I said back home to Pennsylvania with Cody, Oh by the way this is Cody my boyfriend, Barry shack his hand an said Hi how are you! Cody said great thank you for asking! I said I had amazing time here and said to Barry you an your girlfriend should come visit my hometown in Pennsylvania and meet my family. Barry said I'll think about! So me an Cody headed down too the SUV we got in an head to Dublin Airport. As we get on the highway Barry text's me (Hi its Barry I just wanted to tell you I thought your cage performance was fantastic an I know Cody is the right one for you and I just booked a trip for me and my girlfriend to your hometown in Pennsylvania. an just wanted to tell you that my girlfriend love's you and said you are so kind and can't wait to meet Cody.) I screamed with joy Cody said what! I showed my baby the text he was so happy and existed as well. So Cody an I got into the Dublin airport, so we headed to security and got through and headed to are get gate (are flight leave a 8:00am meanwhile it's 7:00am Dublin time in PA it is 2:00am we won't get into Pennsylvania till 8:00pm we got are tickets at check in desk and are suitcase's are going to be put under the plane.) we put are travel bags where we're sitting. till boarding so we went to Starbucks and got are coffee for the morning which is the some order coconut milk with a splash of Carmel. so are get a chocolate chip muffin to share. we headed back to are sitting are we hear over the intercom pennsylvania 8am flight boarding in 10 minutes plane to PA is ready for boarding first class passengers may boarded now that is us so we grabbed are travel bags and got on the plane I text my family in a group message an (said I'm boarding the plane landing at 8:00pm I also brining someone home with me he is everything to me explain when I get home! They replyed back see tomorrow) so Cody an I put on Eternals on the plane's on Disney+. The flight is going great an then the cockpit say's over the mic we are heading into a huge storm over the Atlantic Ocean please buckle up when the seatbelt sign come's on. so we all head the seatbelt sign come on and then the plane starts sacking crazy everything is coming out the cabin cabin apartments few of them are hitting people on the head and knocking them out everyone is screaming. I'm holding onto Cody so tight he is holding onto me tight, we both say I love you one other and kiss. then the pilot say's we have lost a engine and we are a mile away from my local airport so we sent a 911 call to the local airport and they are ready for us to land and we are about to touch ground now so I'm thinking about my family picking us up an showing what's happening at the airport the plane stop's and they open the door's and we all see flushing lights from the firetrucks, police etc. so me and Cody are the first one's off and everyone start's coming out and all are family's are screaming are name's and I hear my name from my family. I grab Cody's hand an we run to my family and we get too them and we are holding onto forever. So we get to the entrance steps to the airport and we get in so we have people in the airport asking me and Cody if we're ok we said we are not ok people most lost there life's and we we're glade that the pilot called in time and he saved all are life's. So the local new outlets come up to me and Cody an my family and say what happened. we say, you should talk to are pilot he saved all are life's.

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