Chapter 1: Copy the Crazy

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Anti was NOT a good person. 

He readily set out every day NOT to be.

He lit fires, caused black-outs, caused scenes that normally escalated to him killing someone . . . .yeah, he definitely graduated up from just messing around with Sean's YouTube channel. That's why no one saw him on there anymore.

No, he wanted a bigger audience.

He wanted followers that would take him seriously and truly fear him. No one on that YouTube channel really feared him. They loved him. Wanted more of him. He was Sean's imaginary little character that no took seriously. 

And he hated that.

So he departed from that and went on to something far bigger. Not to say that he didn't have enemies.

Jackie . . . Marvin . . .. Chase . .. . . Henrik and even Jameson. Darkiplier and most of the Ipliers . .  they were all his enemies and he didn't care what he had to do. He'd eradicate them all out of his way.

At first he tried fighting them head on. Big mistake. Together, he didn't stand a chance against them. In fact, he got a few new scars from that bout.

And then he tried to pick them off one by one but they learned to stay in groups.

He tried to take on Dark but he was just far too powerful on his own. No, he'd take out the Septic egos first.

He couldn't figure out how to do it, though.

Anti tried possessing them, hacking into their bank accounts, electrocution, hijacking their appliances . . .  they always seemed to find a way around it all and it pissed him off.

And then he had an idea.

'What if the problem isn't me . . . and I just need . . . MORE of me?'

It sounded like logic to him. He was perfect as himself but the only reason he wasn't winning against them was because there were more of THEM.

See, Anti wasn't exactly sane. But if something came to his mind for a way to kill off those damn Septic egos . . . he was gonna try it.

Except the kids. He couldn't hurt the kids. This psycho had standards.

He laughed to himself. It took a while, but he was finally able to get away with it.

'Stupid magician. . . .be was better off when Sean hadn't given him powers at all. . .  this is all their own doing. . . ..  or  . . undoing' he laughed to himself again, throwing the book onto the table.

Hearing that he was home, a little pet wiggled its way into the air towards him.

Anti growled but the eyeball knew he didn't mean it, cuddling into his neck and on his shoulder.

"Sam . . . . I see you've been doing nothing again, today. You could have at least done the dishes."

The eyeball opened itself half-way, showing its teeth and hissing. It didn't seem to bother Anti, though.

"Yeah, yeah, no hands. You ARE the size of a sponge, though. You could have at least TRIED, you little asshole"

The eye hissed again.

"Whatever. I got the book. We're doing this shit tonight. Tomorrow is the day we win"

It hissed again.

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