You admit you have feelings for him

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Zayn's POV

It was 3 a.m. and I was dead asleep when there was a frantic knock on the door. Ugh why in the hell is someone waking me up in the middle of the night. I shuffle down the stairs and to the front door. This better be worth it I think to myself.

"Whoever it is you better have a good reason to be bothering me." I yell. I slowly open the door. I look and see it's (y/n) standing there with tears in her eyes but she was laughing not crying. I confused on why she was laughing with tears running down her face.

"Z " she screams throwing her hands up and almost falling.

"(Y/N) are you drunk and how'd you get over here?" I usher in the house.
She stands staring at me.

"I'm slightly buzzed and I did drive here slowly." She says then giggles.

"First come in and sit down and second you're not supposed to drink and drive." I say.

She walks in and falls onto the couch laughing. I proceed to make her something to drink that will help her in the morning.

"Zayyn I got a real question." She asks sitting up and looking at me.

"What's that (y/n)?" I ask her as I get the drink ready.

"Do you think I'm disgusting like I'm overweight?" She asks.  I grab the drink and come and sit on the coffee table.

" No why would you even ask that dude?!"

" Cause then why can't I keep a guy hmmm?"

"You're not disgusting or overweight. What happened? What did Alex do?" I ask.

" He um left me well I left him. He said he wants someone more in shape and not looking like me. Those were his exact words. "
Zayn keep your mouth shut of what you really think. She just sat there looking at me. Staring at me like a deer in headlights.

"(Y/N) he's just dumb for saying that. You're perfect." I say to her.

"You're just saying that Z cause you're my best friend."

" (Y/N) I'm not just saying it because im your best friend. I mean it. Look you're drunk dude you need to rest."

"Nooo I need to know why he thinks I'm overweight." She struggles to get up and falls back down.

"Nooo (y/n) you're drunk and angry over that twit of a deuche bag. You just need to rest you'll have a clear head in the morning."

"But Zzzz we've been together for 4 years. Since when did he hate my body. Like I'm not like super big but I'm not tiny like what is wrong with me." She began crying.

" Only reason he's saying that's is he's insecure about something. And plus he's really stupid cause you're beautiful and you're body is built like a goddess. He is just a twat." She stopped crying for a minute.

"Look here you're going to be here for the night okay now i will get your favorite blanket that you always kept here you will lay in my spare room okay" she nods and I walk away. As I'm getting the blanket I hear keys drop and y/n giggling. I sigh

Zayn Malik Imagines ♥Where stories live. Discover now