The Story of Peyton

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Peyton Hill is 19 years old and just now figuring out the small-town college life, it's not like a big city town like in Huston or Tuscaloosa. Growing up it's been just her and her daddy-John. When Peyton was born her mother Donna has fatal complications. John devoted his life to his little girl. As she grew up she always questioned why her daddy didn't go out or have friends over. Now that she's older she realized he didn't need anyone besides her because she was his happiness after losing his wife. Peyton and John used her mother's old truck as a project, this is how he taught her everything she knows about cars. 

Peyton has now made it her life's purpose to get her daddy out there and make some friends or maybe even find love again. She and Jules- her best friend have always made the joke of their parents would be perfect together solely because they are both single. Julia has been around since birth. They have both grown up in the church downtown and then went to school together. Neither girl ever bothered making other friends because all they needed was each other. 

The girls have just recently started community college. Julia to be a nurse and Peyton to be a mechanical engineer- she got it from her daddy. Both are excellent in school and are very driven for success. Once they started they began to go to sports events and try to make mutual friends. this took some time for two goofy girls that rarely are in public settings. 

At a football game*

      "WOOOHOOOOO, GOOOO TITANSSSS!!!!", Screams Peyton as the Tatum Titans score a touchdown once again. 

"LET'S GO 17!!!", screams Julia. 

Julia thought #17 was pretty cute he was the wide receiver for the Titans. Though she didn't know his name she was crushing. The next Monday at school the football players are wearing their jerseys to represent their win over the weekend. maybe she can finally figure out who #17 is! what if he's not cute up close? 

Nick's pov-

We got our first in-season win of the year so we are all sporting the gear on this sunny Monday morning. maybe it'll get good positive attention and help up find some dates to the homecoming dance next month. As I'm walking to 1st period I bumped into the one and only Peyton. She's the most perfect girl in town. No guy has ever tried to go out with her throughout school because she's a major daddy's girl which I find a blessing but most guys are just scared of old man John. Over the summer I tried to get in good with Mr. Hill and help around the land with the cattle. When I first started it was to get closer to Peyton but I didn't have the time with the long days. Today I'm going to talk to her. 

"Oh, I'm sorry miss", I say as I step aside from Peyton to make sure she's alright. 

"It's okay, I really should look up when I'm walking.", she says as her green eyes gaze into mine. 

"Show off those beautiful eyes of yours.", I say instantly regretting coming off so strong. She giggled as her cheeks turned pink. I tipped my hat and said I'd see her around. 

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